Elena Sorokina lost leadership in the ranking of the first persons of the capitals of the MEDIALOGY CFO

Elena Sorokina lost leadership in the ranking of the first persons of the capitals of the MEDIALOGY CFO 15536_1
Photo - SPB62.ru.

The well-known Russian company-developer of the automatic monitoring and analysis system and social network analysis and social networks in real-time "MEDIALY" published the February mediating of the first persons of the constituent entities of the Central Federal District.

The head of the administration of Ryazan Elena Sorokina is located in the second position (out of 32) in the list with Media Index 4573.2. However, for the head of the Ryazan executive body, this step back, as she headed the similar rating on the Central Federal District in January.

The head of the Kaluga administration Dmitry Denisov was published at first with a noticeable margin - 7099.6 points, the Troika Leaders of the mayor of Voronezh Vadim Kurenin - 4427.2.

Regarding Elena Sorokina Experts of "Mediology" noted the proposal reflected in the media to attract citizens to control over all stages of design and construction of roads in the city; Visit to the mayor of Ryazan a greenhouse in the Rybrykovsky district and a story about changes in the concept of floral design of the city; As well as the message "VKontakte" about the beginning of the competition for filling vacancies of the governing positions of the area of ​​urban economy.

Mediaindex - an indicator of the qualitative state of the information field formed by the media around person, company and brand. The greater the value of the mediaindex, the more bright and positively the presence of a person in the media, the more positive its image created by the media. When calculating mediaindex, several parameters are taken into account within each message with the reference to the object, including: the influence of the source of information (the basis of the parameter is the cyting of the publication in other media); The nature of mentioning the object in the message (positive, negative, neutral); the role of the object in the message (main, episodic); The presence of direct or indirect speech relating to the person. The system estimates the overall level of favored information environment for a certain period of time, summing up unit indices of all messages with the reference to the object. The meaning of the unit index can vary from -1000 to +1000, depending on how positively, an object is presented in the information message.

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