FIU "Strip" with poor more than from the rich: Does Russia have a progressive contribution scale?


Last year, taxes were raised in Russia for "rich", which many citizens of the country appreciated positively. However, a regressive scale is applied in the pension system: in relative terms, the low-income layers of the population pay contributions higher than prosperous people. Why is that? And do you need to change this system? This was told by experts "Moscow Komsomoltsu".

By law, all employers pay 30% employees in the form of insurance premiums. This money goes to pay pensions, maternity leave and provide free medicine. At the same time there is a ceiling payments. For example, if a person receives more than one and a half million rubles a year, contributions to the Pension Fund (FFR) are sharply reduced - up to 10% of the salary.

Evgeny Besbardis analyst manager Evgeny Besbardis explains that such a limit exists not to form unnecessary obligations in PFD to people with "super slows". However, employers still pay additional deductions for their highly paid employees.

"But these payments do not form any additional pension rights. And the PFR spends these funds to cover its own deficit and distributes them among all the current pensioners, "the expert explained. What amount employers pay in social funds?

It turns out that from large revenues, secured citizens pay relatively less poor, but it does not affect their future pensions.

Vice-Rector of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Alexander Safonov explained that such an approach to the accrual of pensions was invented by the former Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich.

"He believed that regression would reduce the evasion of companies from the payment of insurance premiums. Meanwhile, the difficulty is that there are no such stories in the world anywhere. The insurance system is based on the principle of accumulation solidarity. Contributions should be made by all in the same amount, "said sofhones.

A few years ago, deputies of the State Duma from the Fair Russia party insisted on the abolition of regression. They offered to make it instead of increasing the retirement age. The authors of the initiative calculated that it could bring additional 600 billion rubles to the budget. But in the government, the idea rejected. Colleagues of Fair Tests considered, it could lead to business care in the shadow.

According to Sophophone, there is a compromise option - make an increase in smooth, as it happened with income tax. For example, increase additional insurance premiums from 10% to 12 - 15%. It will give additional income to the budget, but will not fall in a serious burden on business, the expert explained.

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