What is the thickness of the layer of freezing of the Earth in medium latitudes?

What is the thickness of the layer of freezing of the Earth in medium latitudes? 1532_1

Knowledge of how deeply the layer of the Earth is impassing is of great importance in different areas, but especially in construction. Consider how this value depends on how its calculation is determined, as well as the thickness of the soil freezing layer in medium latitudes.

What is the depth of the primer of the soil?

The depth of the primer of the soil (abbreviated GPG) is a parameter that displays the level of frosting of the soil layer in winter. It depends on several factors and is established on long-term observations of a particular region. The depth on which the soil temperature rises above the zero of degrees, is considered a point of frosting of the soil.

An interesting fact: at minus temperatures, it freezes not the soil itself, and moisture (groundwater), which is contained in it. Turning out of liquid into a solid state, it increases in the amount by 10-15%, which provokes the phenomenon dangerous to construction objects - the soil.

What is the thickness of the layer of freezing of the Earth in medium latitudes? 1532_2
Diagram of freezing soil

The main factors affecting the GPG:

  • soil type;
  • air temperature;
  • underground water level;
  • presence of vegetation;
  • Thickness of snow cover.

Several basic types of soil are isolated, for each of which a special freezing coefficient is defined:

  • Large sands - 0.3;
  • Bulk sands, sandy - 0.28;
  • Burglary soil - 0.34;
  • Clay and Suglinki - 0.23.

The greater the snow and vegetation on the territory, the less the earth is preserved under them. Also reduced GPG under the premises that are heated in the winter.

How to calculate?

The GPG for different regions is considered a normative value and is previously defined in the documentation. However, it can be calculated by the formula: df = d0 + √mt, where DF is the depth of the freezing, D0 is the soil coefficient, MT - the sum of the average monthly minus temperatures. This formula allows you to find out the GPG without taking into account various objects that may be present on the surface.

For this, the formula with an additional parameter - KH is used. This is a coefficient that is based on the structural features of the building and the average daily temperature in it. The formula acquires the following form and indicates the estimated depth of freezing: df = d0 + √mt x kh.

What is the thickness of the layer of freezing of the Earth in medium latitudes? 1532_3
Map of seasonal freezing and pulling the soils of Russia

During the definition of the regulatory GPG observation of the terrain is carried out at least 10 years. At the same time, additional factors are not taken into account. The real drainage depth is usually different from the regulatory by 20-50%. Therefore, immediately before any works, it is determined visually or using a special device.

Murlotomer is a tube with a hose inside, filled with water, and centimeter marking. The device is immersed in the soil on the regulatory depth and leave there for 12 hours. Ice level allows you to draw conclusions about the thickness of the freezing layer.

Depth of the freezing of soil by region

Since Russia is located in several natural climatic zones with different average annual temperatures, soils, the GPG indicators are very different from the region to the region. The total observed trend is this parameter increasing from the West to the East.

What is the thickness of the layer of freezing of the Earth in medium latitudes? 1532_4
Map of soil freezing of Central Russia and the Moscow region

According to regulations, the minimum thickness of the freezing layer is noted in cities such as Sochi, Simferopol, Rostov-on-Don, Kaliningrad and ranges from 50 to 80 cm. Maximum indicators are installed in Surgut, Yakutsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, etc. - from 200 to 270 cm.

As for the middle strip, its moderately continental climate with a large number of snow, moderate frost, forest vegetation causes a relatively small GPG. It varies within 80-150 cm. For example: Moscow - 140 cm, Eagle - 130 cm, Penza - 120 cm, Voronezh - 130 cm.

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