Shubin - Spirit living in Donbass mines

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Shubin - Spirit living in Donbass mines

They say that legends do not appear on an empty place, and for each of them there are always really existing characters or historical events. In this, the inhabitants of the Shakhtar regions are absolutely sure, where and today there are often Shubin, the faithful assistant mines, the Spirit in which many mines believe.

Donbass has become the center of spreading the legends about him, which is famous for its coal deposits. Stories about the meetings about Shubin did not go into the past, and their list is replenished almost every year. Who is such Shubin? Why is it so called? And how does he communicate with the miners?

Who is such Shubin?

According to legends and beliefs, good Shubin (or just Shubin, as the mines call it) inhabites in the depths of the mines. In underground workings, he monitors the activities of miners, often warns them about danger.

Sometimes Shubin can indicate a new place where a rich coal layer is located. Miners consider him as their patron, faithful assistant and defender. Many believe that Schubin needs to be tied. Going down in the mine, leave the underground spirit a little meal - so that Shubin is not offended.

In the main cultural center of Donbass, Donetsk, an image of Schubin was installed, made of metal by local masters. The people really believes that the good patron of the miners is the keeper of the Shakhtar Territory. Donbass residents range to one of the characters of their region.

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Origin of the name and legend

But why does this spirit have such a strange name? This account exists a lot of versions. Compared with many other characters, the legends of Shubin is quite young, because legends about it appeared approximately in the XIX century.

In some stories of Shubin - this is not the name of the young miner named Ivan. He did not share something with the managers of the mines (he opened the fraudulent operations, did not fall in love with his daughter). As a result, the chief ordered to beat the Schubin and throw in mining production.

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Shubin Pyrography "Good Shubin"

Once by Earth, Ivan decided that so simply would not give his life. Having a great experience, Shubin calculated that in one of the moves of the mine there is a methane leakage and, causing a spark, blew himself and all production. Since then, the mines believe that the Spirit of Schubin is invisibly present with each descent under the ground, does not tolerate injustice, it can severely punish cruel managers or lazy miners.

If you believe another version, Shubin is not a surname at all, but a profession. In the old days, the demolitions were so called that they descended into the mines and did new ways. As they worked with explosives, it was necessary to protect themselves from burns.

To do this, put on top of the clothing fur coat with an outstand. It is probably why such a naming - Shubin fixed. According to legend, one day at one of the mines, the leadership did not want to wait until the gas concentration decreases. Schubin-explosive sent to the faithful death, in advance knowing that he would not return back. After the death of the Spirit of the Worker remained underground.

Meet Schubin with John Yuz

Motherland Schubin can rightly call Donbass. In this miners, even schoolchildren know about such a character. One of the most famous legends connects Schubin and an absolutely real historical personality - John James Uza.

He was a subject of Great Britain, and in the Donetsk region owned several mines and plants. The industrialist made a huge contribution to the development of Donbass. In honor of him, the village of Yuzovka was named, in the future, transbounded into a large beautiful city of Donetsk. Of course, a lot of rumors walked around such a significant person, but, as they say, there are only a share in the fairy tale.

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John Yuz 1894

The legend of Yuza and Shubin says that one day the industrialist has hatched the idea of ​​creating mines in the Donbas. Heard about the wealth of these lands, he wanted to extract dual benefit - to develop the industrial potential of the region and, of course, increase its own state. Arriving to the Russian Empire, he received permission to generate coal. That's just it was difficult to determine where exactly you need to dig.

One day, Yuz wandered on the outskirts of this village, thinking about how to better calculate the location of the coal vein. And suddenly the old shepherd came to him. He had a hat on his head, and his eyebrows and beard almost completely closed the face.

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Shukubin can be how to save from trouble so and shower for injustice

It was astonished that the shepherd was known that she was looking for owner of the factories on these lands. "Many are looking for, and few find", "the old man said mysteriously, and then sparkled by his eyes dark and said that he would open the secrets of coal wealth, but, provided that the foreigner would work in justice, it would not hurt the miners, would not break the pervolored borders .

Of course, John Yuz was surprised by such a sentence, but wouldingly agreed to the conditions of a strange shepherd. He instead extended to him a map where special coal places were indicated. Already the first coal development showed that the elder really knew about the secrets of this edge. Alas, greed soon took the top over the mind of the Uza. Having disturbed the boundaries indicated on the map, he realized that he lost luck.

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John Yuz with his family. Yuzkuka, 1889.

And after the tragedy, which happened to his family, went through the pasta in search of the shepherd. Yes, I just did not find it, and the letter specified in the corner of the letter w clear said that it was not a shepherd at all. It turned out that Schubin Yuz gave a promise, but he did not restrain him.

Despite the fact that Shubin often appears to the harsh terrible lord of underground riches, he is always fighting for justice. Miners often talk about strange sounds or phenomena that occur under the ground. Many stories describe how Shubin saved the life of the miners, warning about the explosion of methane. This character is not just a symbol of Donbass, but also the embodiment of the good, faithful, reliable patron.

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