The United Nations rated the high efficiency of the vaccine "Satellite V"


The United Nations rated the high efficiency of the vaccine
The United Nations rated the high efficiency of the vaccine "Satellite V"

At the moment, the most popular vaccines in the world against COVID-19 are the development of Russian specialists and companies Pfizer. Not only the opinion of medical staff and world scientists regarding the safety and effectiveness of the Russian drug, but also geopolitical components affects the opinion of the effectiveness of the "satellite V".

Every day, more and more countries recognize the Vaccine "Satellite V", recommending the authorities to purchase it for mass vaccination in their countries. Numerous studies and clinical trials of the Russian vaccine proved its effectiveness, so even sanctions to Russia are not able to strongly affect the purchase of vaccines.

UN representatives also appreciated the high results of clinical trials "Satellite V". On February 3, the UN Briefing was held, at which the Secretary General Stefan Duzharrick touched the topic of the demand of the drug from Russia.

"This news is very welcome - about another vaccine. Last year, colossal work was done to study the virus and the creation of drugs for vaccination from coronavirus, so do not forget the contribution of world scientists in the general case. "

But representatives of the World Health Organization are not in a hurry to approve for the mass use of Satellite V, so the UN is waiting for the conclusions of the WHO Safety Commission to decide on the recommendation on the use of Satellite V for world leaders.

After the presentation of the UN Secretary General appeared the news about the comments of the WHO representative in Russia Meliti Vuyovich, who gave an assessment of the article in The LanCet regarding the third stage of clinical testing of the Russian drug against coronavirus. It follows from the publication that the effectiveness of the drug against the disease amounted to 91.6% after analyzing data 19,866 volunteers.

Angela Merkel is one of the few European leaders who did not leave the issue of the possibility of using the Russian vaccine and noted that clinical trials show the reliability of the Satellite V vaccine, but the speech about buying a vaccine is not going on, because It is worth waiting for the completion of safety research.

As for the assessment of the drug in Russia, the officials and doctors advise not to take into account possible competitors of the "satellite V" from other countries, because Our drug has a high degree of efficiency and safety, therefore there is no competitors from the vaccine from Russia at the moment.

Recall that during the pandemic there were more than 104 million cases of contamination of people around the world. The largest number of ill covid-19 was detected in the United States. Russia ranks 5th by the number of infected, although it was recently in fourth place. The United Kingdom faced the spread of a new strain, which caused a sharp increase in the number of coronavirus infected.

Some scientists predict the third pandemic wave, which may occur at the end of March, but these forecasts may be erroneous. From January 18, there is a voluntary vaccination of people from Coronavirus in Russia, which, according to experts, it can significantly reduce the spread of the virus in our country.

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