Belarusians and crisis: How does the trucker family live for 3200 rubles per month


We continue to tell the history of the Belarusians who overcome the economic crisis. Today we will talk about Dmitry, who, after several unsuccessful attempts to find a job, got a trucker in the EU countries and his family.

Loss of work and new opportunities

Olga and Dmitry live in Bobruisk, she is 33, he is 37 years old. In the family, three children, all girls. The younger is not 3 years old. Olga is now on making a child, writes

Dmitry 5 years ago had excellent work, good income and with restrained optimism looked into the financial future. For some reason, everything changed dramatically. Without earning, Dmitry did not stay, but I could not find a good place. I tried all the options: from the driver of the minibus to the regrokeus in vocational school, sold milk and asked, was registered by the craftsman (knows how to do something). When the family was waiting for the third child, feverishly changed the work, sometimes it was taken in two immediately, but there was still not enough money.

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Photo is illustrative, Source:

In the end, I had to go on a trucker at the beginning of the trucker at the beginning to Moscow, then to Europe. The last six months - on the west of the continent, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.

Dmitry is about 2/3 of all time spends not at home. Often ride the family either too expensive or long. Olga copes with children One: the eldest goes to school, the middle one in the garden, the youngest - at home.

About the way of life

Back in the "Twilsk years" and Olga, and Dmitry had a tendency to save and consider everything to kopecks. When difficult times came - it was a necessity. Pretty soon, the lifestyle changed dramatically, the benefit of children are still too small to "download law", and the spouses had complete "budget binding."

Here are some bright strokes to the "financial portrait" of our heroes:

Between purchases go to the store only for bread, milk and other speeding, the exception is the arrival of the guests (hike per visit).

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The photo is illustrative, source: REGNUM.RU

Clothes were adapted to buying on Cufar and in second-handers. We started with the search for the sheepdown by adults on ads, then looking for high-quality imported things that could not buy new due to the price or scarcity of the local offer. They took a lot of children. Moreover, three girls are completely naturally hammered by each other.

Now Olga is professionally dealt with the market for used affairs. But completely in second, they still did not leave: underwear, different little things and things are strictly "under the size" buy new ones. However, in this version, the savings are very significant. In addition, a family with three children did not hesitate to take clothing and shoes from relatives and friends. As a result, adults and children are "packed" noticeably better than the bulk of others.

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Photo is illustrative, Source:

Our heroes built (with state support) an apartment, but even a considerable amount for finishing is required. However, the main answer to the "housing issue" was the house 5 km from the city. The process of buying a plot, searching for a log cabin, supers, honors, etc. It was very long and difficult. At the moment, the house is not residential, but was installed in the "wall / roof / window / window, there is nothing."

There are no expensive entertainment from the family for a long time. The sea has not seen many years, on vacation stopped riding long before the pandemic. The restaurants only go for participation in intellectual games. In Bobruisk, this is: "Braver", "Sherlock". By the way, our heroes have repeatedly participated and won in quizzes on the radio. Such an inexpensive, but decent hobby.

On budget management

Olga and Dmitry, despite business and accuracy, expenses are not fixed now. More than once tried, it turned out to be difficult and nervously, it is necessary to constantly strain attention, marking all actions.

Therefore, the costs are not recorded, but they are limited in advance at the maximum intended amount. For example, for the kindergarten of the middle daughter put 50 rubles. (Slightly less, but rounded up to the biggest), for the older child's circle - 20 rubles. Next month they postpone 75 rubles. (with a margin) for these costs. In other destinations as well. If there is information about price increases - postpone more. The remaining money falls into the category "Other expenses", which are always significant. One-time spending is planning ahead of time.

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Photo: MyFin.BY.

For clarity, we shared all income and expenses for months. This does not mean that every month spent these amounts on these goals, but in general, everything is so.

Income Dmitry and Olga

Olga's income - child care allowance: it was 488.96 rubles, in February rose up to 540.48 rubles. There were still some receipts, in the amount for the year everything was formed at 6 355 rubles. or 529,58 rubles. Average month.

Dmitry's income is more difficult to consider. He earns about 1,200 - 1,300 euros in the work months. But part of the time spends at home, much time goes to the road (the plane does not fly, expensive), there are periods of unpaid expectation. Include in family expenses what he spends in Europe also incorrectly - other prices, other realities. Therefore, we transferred to rubles what he brings to the family. 35 130 rubles came out. per year.

Calculation for the last year

We asked to make a table similar to the one that was in the article about the family of the Gastarbaiter, for better comparison.

Revenues in rubles

This did not include the cost of construction and arrangement. Because this year the family decided only to save for these purposes. But sometimes the major "other expenses" come out

: We spent on the preparation of Dmitry to departure, spent on the design of different documents, were unexpected spending, something was not fixed.

What is the result?

In numbers it turns out that we found that rare Belarusian family, which is really enough money. Enough with an excess and always. Live on 1/3 of their income. For some reason, it is believed that the house will be completed at any crisis. If not here, then in some other place. By the way, Dmitry has already issued a residence permit for work.

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