About the pot

About the pot 1512_1

The first pot of our daughter gave the relatives for half a year ...

At what age do children should be able to do without diapers? Depending on where and who you will specify this issue, the answers can be very different. In Russia, kids are taken to pass to the pot rather early, and in Spain, for example, it is considered important that children learned to confidently use the pot to the beginning of the school (at the age of three). This is due to the fact that in many public schools there is no nanny position, which means to dress up a wet child account for parents who are calling for work or home in such cases. There are countries where the diapers are not in a hurry at all. Surely, you came across articles about the "unfortunate" British children walking in diapers to 6 years. Different approaches, contradictory information, endless disputes. But increasingly sounds the view that all children are different, each has its own pace of development. And there is no single "right" age for one or another skill. Specialists understand this well, but Mamam has to fight public opinion, prejudice and their own fears. Learn to believe yourself and your child. About this - old, but not lost the urgency Text of Julian Pettobyanko.

You go to the dressing room of the yaser group, and there on the doors of the cabins, like the flags of complete surrender in front of this adult and full conventions of the world, hanging wet children's tights. And the feeling of full confusion, as if, you didn't have time to run to the pot, it pesters a burning wave from the legs to the head.

My son was first, and I was young and very responsible. It seemed to me that every missed day, but what is there day, an hour or even a minute, not spent on the continuous development of the child may be dear to nowhere.

From three months I kept a child over the pelvis, producing a resistant conditional reflex on the sounds of "ISP PES". From six months, I planted it on a pot on the clock, waited for a cherished result and was proud as the Nobel Prize winner. I nervously shuddered from the caustic remarks of the mother-in-law, propheted to my son wearing diapers under five years and certainly followed by this infertility. I pulled myself and the child. I won't war, every lost battle in which put the cross on me as a mother.

But there were, because there were results! By one and a half years, the son knew perfectly what a pot was and how to use it for its intended purpose. By two years, the wet in the form of wet pants was becoming less and less. Two and two. Magic age. At this age, the son was last arranged at night with a swim, and how to spend it - after a day I did not have to sigh and sign in my insolvency.

And ten years later, my daughter was born. I became older, smarter and cheerful. I learned to ultimately respond to comments and questions about how old my girl plans to wear a diaper.

I even on the story of a husband about some familiar supervoders with whom a child since half a year asks to a pot, could only smile and say: Well, you tell me that our logarithmism calculates, I don't feel sorry.

The first pot with my daughter presented relatives in half a year. An excellent age, they commented on their gift, the girl at that age should be sitting on a pot! Thoughts about what and to whom my girl should, I did not go away, and I threw a pot to the toys, where he safely performed the role of that locomotive, then the castle for the princess, and even a luxurious hat.

And one day, walking with the daughter of the toy store, on one of the racks we saw it. Magnificent red pot, more resembling royal throne. We honred him without looking at the price, and carried to the checkout as a treasure, seemingly looking at each other. And at home the daughter immediately started mastering. For a year and a half, she was fine in a couple of days figured out what a pot was needed and how to use it. For two years we completely forgot about diapers, and about the fact that with the words of the benevolers were going to wear them before the wedding. And one thought did not give me peace - was it really so easy?

Ten years I needed to take a simple truth - everything is your time. And I'm incredibly ashamed of the son for his stupid desire to attribute to him invented debts. In half a year it should sit down, go to the year, to talk to one and a half. Why understand the fact that a child is a whole universe with his rules, came to me so late? Apparently, for the same reason. Everything has its time.

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