Nikolay Suldin explained the subtleties of the inquiry repair of early spring

Nikolay Suldin explained the subtleties of the inquiry repair of early spring 1501_1

The administration of the Balakovo district published a comment dedicated to the patchwork of the road surface. Balakovtsy often observe how road workers put bitumen in puddles and snow.

The director of the landscaping plant Nikolay Suldin explained the need for displacement in the winter and spring and spoke about the intricacies of the process and the properties of the material:

- Automotive, designed for a certain service life during which it is subjected to various kinds of transport and weather and climatic factors. Repair work on the coating is planned and carried out most often in the spring with the onset of stable warm (not lower than + 5 ° C) and dry weather. However, we see that quite often the need for urgent unscheduled or emergency repair is practically at any time of year and under any weather conditions. For climbing, a mixture of bitumen and asphalt concrete crumb is used to close up with temporary seals. In this case, the repair can be carried out not only on the raw surface of the coating, but also with small negative air temperatures. Measuring repairs are performed using multifunctional recycler repair, which allow for a full cycle of patching. I want to emphasize that modern technologies for road works with various types of materials allow metering repairs both at a temperature not lower than -10 degrees Celsius and during precipitation. Road roads along the Queen Highway, the Large Station and Saratov highway are transferred to the FGU "Nizhnevolzheska". All the powers on the maintenance and repair of roads are carried out by this state institution, and not by municipal organizations. To date, meal repairs take place on the streets of Lenin (which will be held in 2021 overhaul) and 30 years of victory. These measures are aimed primarily in order to protect personal vehicles of residents from damage caused by hit in pits, as well as to prevent emergency situations.

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