Dengi fever fixed in Novosibirsk

Dengi fever fixed in Novosibirsk 14880_1

Novosibirski picked up the disease in the Maldives.

On the new case, the dengue fever in Novosibirsk spoke at the Operational Meeting on Wednesday, February 24, Head of the Regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor Alexander Shcherbatov.

According to him, the victims of Novosibirsk rested in the Maldives. Distribution in the Novosibirsk region did not receive the disease.

According to WHO, dengue is a viral infection that is transferred by mosquitoes, which in recent years is rapidly distributed in all regions of WHO. Widely distributed in the tropics, and local differences in the degree of risk depend on precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and spiring rapid urbanization.

Denga causes a wide range of symptoms of the disease. They can vary from subclinical diseases (people may not even know what they are infected) to severe flu-like symptoms from infected people. Some people, although not so often, develops a severe dengue, which can manifest itself in the form of a number of complications associated with strong bleeding, damage to organs and / or plasma exit from the bloodstream. In the absence of proper treatment, severe dengue is associated with an increased risk of death.

Over the past decades, the incidence of dengue in the world has increased dramatically. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the disease proceeds asymptomatic or in a light form and without circulation for medical care, and therefore the actual number of cases of dengue is understated. In addition, in many cases, other feverish diseases are incorrectly diagnosed.

According to the results of modeling, 390 million cases of infection with the dengue virus are occurring annually, of which 96 million are clinically (with any degree of severity of the disease). According to another study dedicated to the prevalence of dengue, 3.9 billion people are subjected to risk of infection with viruses of dengue. Despite the fact that the risk of infection exists in 129 countries, 70% of the actual burden of the disease falls on Asia.

The incidence of coronavirus in the Novosibirsk region, meanwhile, decreased to 115 people per day.

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