Vaccinations like us. Latvia will try to convince residents to make a vaccination from coronavirus

Vaccinations like us. Latvia will try to convince residents to make a vaccination from coronavirus 14866_1

The Latvian government launches a large-scale campaign to convince residents of the country to vaccinate from coronavirus. Public opinion polls show that even if there were vaccines in excess, no more than half of the population would agree on vaccination.

The action was called "2 million reasons to vaccinate" - the population of the country is just without a small 2 million people. The campaign will begin in February, when the site will earn the preliminary registration of all those who want to vaccinate. Then will be made public about the course of risk vaccination, as well as how to achieve collective immunity. The final campaign chord should be the public vaccination of the country's senior officials - this can happen in April.

Plans and reality

The government announced the company after the on the eve of the plan of mass vaccination of the population. According to his conditions, by the end of summer, 70% of the population should receive vaccination from coronavirus in the republic to form a collective immunity. As the Minister of Health Daniel Pavluts noted, this plan is "detailed, digital and flexible."

However, the developed plan at the moment looks difficult to be implemented due to a negative public opinion on vaccination - to make vaccinations are ready only about half of the respondents. This is partly due to the fact that the government itself during a pandemic acts extremely contradictory.

A particularly annoying factor was restricted to work in stores during an emergency introduced before the new year. Latvia was the only country in Europe (and maybe in the world), which forbade the sale of a number of product names, even in supermarkets. It causes confusion and often contradicts ordinary logic.

In hell and around him

On the eve of the Prime Minister of Krishjanis Karinsh acknowledged that the government needs to make a system of restrictions "more reasonable." In particular, after February 7 in Latvia, instead of a list of permitted goods, a list of store types can be entered into operation. But in order to overcome the skepticism of the population about vaccination, this may not be enough.

Vaccinations like us. Latvia will try to convince residents to make a vaccination from coronavirus 14866_2
The mayor of Riga Martins Stakis cannot cope with outbreaks of the disease at night. Photo Saeima.

According to the mayor of Riga Martins Stakis, because of the cold winter and the curfew at the weekend, the number of visitors to urban survivors and the detoxes became huge, which turned them into the foci of spreading the disease. These places of Stakis called "hell on earth", where to control the spread of coronavirus is almost impossible. However, to pay for the inability of the authorities to localize outbreaks of the disease in such places falls by ordinary residents who have been indignant in social networks for more than a month, which cannot be distressed or buy kitchen foil.

Finally, the problem of confidence in vaccination has a purely Latvian national dimension. Most of all vaccines do not trust traditionally skeptically considering all the beginnings of the authorities of Russian-speaking inhabitants: only about a third of them will be prepared.

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