Flare Kovid at the Olainfarm plant: Employees are blamed in negligence

Flare Kovid at the Olainfarm plant: Employees are blamed in negligence 14472_1

Several employees of the drug manufacturer AS Olainfarm infected COVID-19, and one of them said Latvijas Radio, which, in his opinion, this happened due to the galant attitude of the management. At the enterprise, radio journalists confirmed that several employees of one department were sick, but they said that in general among staff in excess of 1000 people, the incidence is very low, writes rus.lsm.lv.

At Latvijas Radio, one of Olainfarm employees, who believes that he, and other colleagues of the center of chromatography infected COVID-19 because their immediate superiors through the fingers looks at security measures. They are hard at the factory, but not respected in a particular department. To protect the confidentiality of this person, his story outlined on Latvijas Radio another colleague:

"I work at Olainfarm in the center of chromatography. This is part of the Quality Management Department. About ten employees of the Cowid Positive Center.

I believe that we are sick because our direct and secondary leadership did not comply with the instructions of the highest leadership, which clearly states that the principle of a two-meter distance must be observed, which must be masks, and it is necessary to work as much as possible on the remote.

I think half of our units can work remotely, but our boss believes that this is a huge bonus, and maybe one time a week an employee may not come to the place of work. In my opinion, this is not enough. All the time we are all together. For example, I could work remotely, and I do not need to attend work for the fulfillment of my immediate duties.

I suppose if we worked more remotely and all (and not just some) employees from our department complied with security measures, then so many colleagues would not get sick. As far as I noticed, in other departments, people follow the rules stricter. I wonder why the leaders of our chief coming to our laboratory do not have any questions, why most workers work without masks. Now we are all who got sick, we can not work long time. I think the highest leadership does not really like it. In addition, this is not oily only by our company. People live in families, it means ATM wide range of contacts. This is very serious. We are wondering why in Latvia such indicators? .. This is because there are people who are indifferent to security measures. "

Member of the Board of Olainfarm Zana Kotan confirmed that the company has such a case of infection.

Of the 35 employees of the center of chromatography, the infection is confirmed from seven - 20% of the entire team. The circle of their contacts is even wider. All are in self-insulation.

In general, at the factory, according to Kotan, from the personnel of more than a thousand people, no more than 2% ill, and part of the recovered already returned to the system. The member of the Board stressed that there are really strict security measures in the enterprise so that work during the pandemic period was uninterrupted. It is all necessary to monitor the situation - but this particular incident, according to Kotan, is concerned.

"If these requirements in force from November, then perhaps at some point the relevance is lost. We weigh the opportunity to replace posters hosted everywhere in the enterprise. To once again be visually recall that the situation with COVID-19 is relevant.

You need to reckon with this, pay attention to it. Recently, we started communicating about vaccination. It is important, and it needs to be used. We are one of those enterprises that would be ready to vaccinate employees, creating a queue and independently organizing the order of vaccination, "said Kotan.

In the health inspection, Latvijas Radio informed that there was no complaints about Olainfarm, there was no enterprise and in the field of view of the prevention and control of the disease.

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