Feeding for tomato seedlings so that the stems were thick and strong


Many daches growing tomato seedlings at home are faced with its pulling. Most often, such a problem is associated with a lack of space, because the apartment seedlings is grown on the windowsill, with insufficient solar lighting.

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Also, the extrusion of seedlings can be associated with competition between plants, as many daches grow at the same time tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers and many other cultures.

The cultivation of seedlings consists of compliance with all the rules of agrotechnology, to which feeds and feeding. Timely made and correctly chosen fertilizers will help reduce the influence of negative factors, strengthen the root system of seedlings and increase its viability.

Feeding to strengthen seedlings

The common problem of many novice dacnis - making a large amount of nitrogenous feeding. As a result, the above-ground part of the seedlings grows very quickly, becomes magnificent and green. The roots do not sleep behind the green part of the plant, begin to weaken and lag in development.

The overaction of nitrogen will lead to the fact that the growth of seedlings simply stops. She begins to stick, wither and quickly dies. To prevent this problem, use complex mineral fertilizers, which contain not only nitrogen, but also potassium and phosphorus.

The first provides good bloom and fruiting, the second - contributes to the strengthening and full development of the root system. In addition, potassium prevents the seedlings and makes the stalks thicker, and also reduces the distances between the intersgins.

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Tomato seedling dates

Experienced gardeners consider the most effective "triple" system of feeding of tomato seedlings. This means that before the transplant of young seedlings in the open soil or a greenhouse, they need to be filled three times. The first time the fertilizer is best to make 2-3 days after the dive, the second one after 13-15 days after the first feeding, the third - in 2-3 days before the seedlings landing at a permanent place.

What feeders are better to use

To strengthen the roots and rapid growth, tomato seedlings are best to feed complex mineral fertilizers, which includes all the necessary substances - potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

You can feed tomatoes with ready-made fertilizers created specifically for seedlings - for example, emerald, bio vita or fastening. They can be replaced by complex compositions for indoor plants - Forte, Pokon, Etisso.

An important meaning in the cultivation of seedlings is given to air temperature. Box with sprouts is best placed in a cool pantry or loggia. Additionally, it is possible to sprout the seedlings with an infusion cooked from the onion husk. He will strengthen the seedlings, improve its immunity and makes a stronger.

The cultivation of tomato seedlings requires compliance with the rules of agrotechnology. An important part of sowing is feeding. Timely making feeding improves the growth and rooting of seedlings, increases resistance to diseases and stimulates development.

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