Life and death of Peter Masherov - Head of Soviet Belarus


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Life and death of Peter Masherov - Head of Soviet Belarus Eric

In Belarus, still remember and read Peter Mironovich Masherov, the man who headed the Belarusian SSR in 1965-80. Remember him, and those people who took those times of the mighty Soviet Union. He was very charismatic and active statesman. Many many hopes for him for the best life. And too unexpected and mysterious was his death in a car accident.

Peter Mashers was born in 1918. According to the family legend, Praded had a Frenchman, a soldier of the Napoleonic army by the name of Mashero. During the retreat from Moscow in 1812, the hungry and frozen corporal, it was quiet in the peasant family, married the daughter of the owner and accepted Orthodoxy. From him and went the genus Masherov.

Grew in the collective farm, helped parents, lived, lived, and not only because of bad weather and harvests, but mainly due to the inept control of numerous and often changing collective farm leaders. He graduated from school, entered the physico-mathematical faculty of the Vitebsk Pedagogical Institute. When Peter was a student, his father was accused of anti-Soviet agitation and fused in Gulag. Since 1939, Mashers worked as a teacher of physics and mathematician in the Rosson Rosson district, and enjoyed great respect not only among students, but also of all residents of the district.

With the beginning of the Great War, I left a volunteer to the front, in August 1941 he captured, but a few days later fled, jumping out of the prisoners of war. I got to Rossonos, where he created the Youth Komsomol cell underground. For several months, the undergrounders recruited supporters and collected weapons and ammunition. One of the uncertain apartments of the underground workers was in the office of a dentist Polina Galanova - his future wife.

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Life and death of Peter Masherov - Head of Soviet Belarus Eric

In 1942, the partisans were chosen by the commander of the Chief Detachment. In the battles with the occupiers, Peter was injured several times. His detachment spent a lot of bold operations, the largest of which were the subsidence of railway bridges through Drissau and Neman. For this, Peter Mironovich Masherov in 1944 was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. By that time, he was under the nickname Dubnyak - was already one of the leaders of the partisan movement in Belarus and the secretary of the underground committee of LKSMB in the Wielsk region. After the liberation of native edges, Masherov was left on Komsomol work.

Already in 1947, he headed the Belarusian Komsomol organization, changing Kirill Mazurov, who had gone to the increase. With Mazurov, his old friendship was associated with the partisan times, and they always helped each other. Mazurov dragged Masherov to the Minsk Obat, and then at all in the Central Committee of the Republic. And when Mazurov was transferred to work in Moscow, then in his insistence, Masherov took the post of head of Belarus.

Mashers were noticeably different from the leaders of other Union republics. Sydney did not sit in the office, but constantly dull on collective farms and small towns - by car, on a helicopter. Pyatr Mironovich quite quickly fastened a strong team, whose members cared not so much about personal careers and well-being, how much about the republic's affairs. The Belarusian SSR under his leadership has achieved significant success compared to other regions of the Soviet Union. A number of enterprises were built, the construction of the metro in Minsk began, agriculture was rapidly developed. Masherov paid great attention to the development of science and education, on the student habit, showing the greatest interest in physics. Yes, in general, the successes of Belarus were in all areas - art, sports, industry and other things. Food stores are not only in Minsk, but also in regional and district centers hit the visitors of Muscovites wealth assortment. By the number of passenger cars per capita, Belarus overtook other republics. With Masherov, the production of color TVs "Rubin" and "Horizon" began, which could be free to buy. No one could blame Masherov in bribes. Everyone knew that his family lives quite modestly. He possessed a big charm, intelligence, simplicity in communication, the ability to find an approach to each interlocutor, rarely rarely increasing his voice.

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Life and death of Peter Masherov - Head of Soviet Belarus Eric

The successes of Belarus and personally, Masherov were noticed. In the 80th year, he had stubborn rumors that Peter Mironovich was waiting for an increase and transfer to the leadership of the Union, to the place of the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexey Kosygin. Rumors were not groundless. Kosygin himself, by that time an old and patient, saw in the young and active Masher, not only his credit, but also the successor, the man who will lead the Union along the path of the reforms stated by him. Already everything was on ointment. It was planned that Kosygin would leave in November, his post will take the 1st deputy Kirill Mazurov, and Mashers will sit on his vacation chair. Already received was the inspiring approval of Brezhnev and other politburo members. But here it happened ...

On October 4, 1980, in half of the third Mashers, he left Zadino. GAZ 13 "Chaika", ruled 60-year-old driver Evgeny Zaitsev. Masherov sat next to the driver, behind - the security officer Major V. F. Chesnokov. There was a white Volga in front without flasher, but with a loudspeaker, the traffic police car went behind. The speed of the cortex was 100-120 kilometers per hour. Distance between machines of 60-70 meters.

The city of Smolevichi towards the Cortem was moving the blue MAZ-503, followed by gas-53b loaded by potatoes. The driver of Maza Taraykovich saw how quickly rushing the steward jumped out because of the hillock, and heard the police car ordered him to go to the right. The chauffeur executed this command, but since the MAZ was heavily loaded, dropped the speed not to the brake, but by reducing the engine speed. At this time, the Gaza driver Nikolai Pustovit reduced the distance between the trucks and noticed that the MAZ stops. Stop signals did not catch up - after all, Taraikeovich did not press the brake. In order not to crash into the ass Maz, it could straight into a ditch, but I was afraid to turn the heavier-consumable car, so I turned the steering wheel left, and drove into the oncoming lane. Seeing the dump truck turning into his forehead, the chauffeur of the Militia Volga sharply increased the speed and managed to fly past gas in several centimeters. Judging by the brake trails, the driver of the "Seagulls" of the Zaitsev tried to slow down, but then decided to repeat the Mönovr "Volga" and increased the speed. The maneuver failed, the government car crashed into a dump truck.

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Life and death of Peter Masherov - Head of Soviet Belarus Eric

Armored Zil could withstand such a blow, but the representative "seagull" all the front half has turned into a harmonica. The entire salon was covered in potatoes. All three people who were killed, hares and garlics on the spot, Masherov seemed to have had a heart. He was lucky in the nearest hospital. But the doctors remained only to state death. Stunned straight down in shock got out of the cab and sat on the roadside. Motor gas caught fire. Militia officers stopped passing the car crane and only with his help could remove the blinding cars.

Naturally, for the investigation of an accident in which a high-ranking statesman died, it was not a traffic police, but the General Prosecutor's Office of the USSR together with the KGB. Both truck drivers were arrested by the KGB. Taraykovich was quickly released - he clearly performed the instructions of the car maintenance machine. For the nesting, they took seriously. As I did not try, the deliberate nature of the crime had to exclude. The investigative group came to the conclusion that the driver of the potatoes is guilty. Nikolai Pustovit was found guilty of violation of traffic safety rules, which resulted in the death of two and more persons. He received 15 years in prison with serving a punishment in a common regime colony. In 1982, he was reduced by the term of amnesty, and in 1985 he was released.

As always, the death of such a famous figure overtook various versions and rumors. The usual thing: We cannot believe that such individuals as Princess Diana, Mikhail Evdokimov, Viktor Tsoi, General Swan may die in a banal accident. We are looking for in all the villainic intent of mythical, insidious enemies. The death of Peter Masherov also did not consider random. "The Father did not live to the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee less than two weeks. Everything was decided. He went to the place of Kosygin. I understand that the Father interfered with many. It was then, in October 1980, "the star" Gorbacheva rose ". (Natalia Masherova).

"There is no answer to the main question - about the tragic death leader. Not everything is clear, and the versions of this accident are different. Why on that crossroads the accompaniment machine breaks 150 meters? " (Arkady Russette).

Conspirological issues set. Why did the driver of a pensioner sat behind the wheel "Seagulls"? Why did the tuple rushed at high speed? Why were the roads were not blocked and a police officer was not exhibited? And the main question - who needed the death of Masherov. Conspirologists are customized under the version of the conspiracy trails on the asphalt, increasing Zaulously that the truck and the "seagull" moved not as indicated in the protocol. The conspirators determine either Brezhnev or Andropov with Gorbachev allegedly seen in Masherov's competitor. Any story about diamonds in the Brest customs belonging to Churbanov and Galina Brezhneva.

But all the conspiramic versions are easily divided by the normal logic established by the rules and their violations by Peter Masherov. The tuple rushed at a speed of 120, because it was supposed for government cars - it was believed that at such a speed he was impossible to conduct aiming fire by car.

Did not overlap the road and did not exhibit the cordon by order of Masherov himself. Well, Peter Mironovich pompous and lush trips did not love, forbidden road overlapping. We drove the order not installed for party bons, with a bunch of cars, with overlapping of roads and streets, with traffic cops on motorcycles, with a tuple of accompanying persons.

The traffic police did not warn about the passage along the route of the Minsk region of the Corge of Masherov. Therefore, the traffic police did not accept the necessary measures. However, this fact is explained by the fact that Peter Mironovich was usually determined with the route on the way.

Evgeny Zaitsev, lucky Masherov, was an excellent driver, but he had already exceeded over 60 years, the reaction was no longer the reaction, especially suffered by radiculitis. But Peter Mironovich did not object to the habit of hersing him - he was a man of habits, and his friendship was associated with Zaitsev since Komsomolsky times. So at the end of September, the Zaitsev failed to pass a physical examination, the Okulist discovered his worsening and forbade his steering wheel. The Mashers himself intervened, after the call, which the new medical examination allowed Zaitsev to control the vehicle, but only in glasses.

According to the status, the first secretary was laid Armored ZIL-117. Such a car in the garage of the Central Committee of the PBC was, and Mashers most often traveled on it. However, on the morning of October 4, it was found that Zila was broken by the rear headlights. Supporters of conspiraology believe that they were deliberately broken by preparing an attempt, but the investigation found that Zil's lamps were injured on the eve of the evening during an unsuccessful maneuver of one of the drivers inside the garage. Due to the malfunction of ZIL to the porch and filed a "seagull" by that time considered already obsolete.

Mashers sat in the front seat, his guard Major Chesnokov was located behind. This is an explicit violation of instructions. But it was almost always. Peter Mironovich loved to sit in front, and the guard could not contradict him.

Life and death of Peter Masherov - Head of Soviet Belarus Eric

Nikolai Pustovit in 2010

The main culprit of the accident Nikolai straight down for 16 years of work at the breaker did not fall into any accident, had a bunch of thanks, was a great family man, besides a malfier. Conspirologists dug out the fact that the day before the accident he drove through this route, and concluded that he was preparing to attempt. But this is normal for a collective farm driver - daily ride from a collective farm to the city and carry potatoes. And somehow it is difficult to suspect in a simple rustic peasant of a cunning killer. And in general, according to the laws of the genre, the killer such a significant person should have eliminated. Stusting after the release returned to his native village and survived to deep old age.

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Life and death of Peter Masherov - Head of Soviet Belarus Eric

Now we'll figure it out, to whom I needed the death of Peter Masherov. Brezhnev? Andropov? By the time they were already old and sick, and seriously thought about care for peace. It was in a relatively young Peter Masherov, Brezhnev seen his successor. Of course, they were sometimes stretched disagreements, but in general, Brezhnev was very good to Masher, who was always called him Petya or Petenka. He himself offered to take him the place of Kosygin.

Yuri Andropov Although even rushed to power, but was a sensible realist, perfectly understood that personal antipathies should be on the back plan. Especially since Andropov by that time he was very painful. To eliminate Masherov he had no reason. Mashers, who tried to fill the shelves of stores not only in Belarus, but also in the whole country, it would be extremely necessary to Andropov.

Mikhail Gorbachev's death of Masherov was undoubtedly a hand, opened a direct path to power. But at the time of the death of Peter Mironovich, Gorbachev did not possess great power to arrange an attempt. I am bad to Gorbachev, but I think that such an inadequate actor could not organize a successful attempt. I would fall asleep how everything was falling apart that I did not think. Well, he does not pull on the customer of the murder.

And the fact that none of the Kremlin Nobody arrived in Minsk, the Masherov's funeral is also explained. The Kremlin elders have already fallen into the insanity, and tried not to attend mourning events, like most of the elderly. Preferred pompous anniversaries and festivities.

The death of Peter Mironovich Masherov is a chain of accidents, perhaps as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union. If he had not died in an accident, if he became a prime minister, and then the head of the country ...

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