20+ facts about flight attendants of private aircraft, the cost of flight on which is equal to our annual salary


Many of us perfectly represent the work of the stewardess on ordinary regular flights. They are always ready to help with a place, luggage, drinks and meals, they conduct instructing and check the safety belt for each passenger. What happens in private aircraft, where only a few people fly? What are the responsibilities of the staff taking care of a comfortable flight of people who can have completely insane requirements?

Adme.ru read Blogs of business aviation workers and now knows interesting nuances of this partly mysterious profession.

Responsibilities Stewardess

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  • Business aviation serves to transport the passenger when he wants, and where he wants. At the same time, the passenger pays for the rental of the aircraft, regardless of the number of people in the cabin.
  • In linear aviation - flight attendants, in business aviation - stewardess or fly managers. Flight managers are responsible for service and cleanliness, engaged in the organization of on-board nutrition, act as a translator, and sometimes an assistant. In addition, the business trip is usually only one stewardess, unlike the aircraft of linear aviation. All these factors are reflected in the increased salary of fly managers.
  • Even before the departure, at the moment the stewardess learns about the upcoming flight, it begins to search for a restaurant for ordering suitable nutrition. On the day of departure 2 hours before the alleged flight, it should be on the plane - this is a standard. On board gets ordered onboard nutrition or places brought from the restaurant. Here the most important thing is to ensure proper storage of products before serving passengers. Prepares the cabin, if necessary, additionally orders boiling water or ice. Makes wet cleaning and sanitary processing of all surfaces. Then engaged in the preparation of a welcome table, as well as wet hot or cool towels.

20+ facts about flight attendants of private aircraft, the cost of flight on which is equal to our annual salary 14245_2
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  • The flight attendants have an unlimited functionality. She prepares the plane to the flight and makes cleaning on board after the flight. Book rooms in hotels. Plays with customer children, if he travels with his family. Takes food in Mishlen restaurants. Serves table. The owner is used to the original feeding of dishes, so on board everything should be both in the best restaurants. To provide a service, she goes to master classes of chefs.
  • Work in business aviation is more harmful than in civilian. There are flights that last 20 minutes. For example, Yekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk. To do everything, the maintenance of the side begins on takeoff. Because of this, there is a large load on the feet and the spine. The body is quickly wearing.
  • The flight attendant of business aviation is primarily a hospitable hostess, which can cover the man with a blanket, insanely beautifully decorate a cake or somehow unusually served a salad.
  • The number of stewardess on board depends on the number of passengers and the size of the aircraft. Eight passengers are enough one flight attendant.

Cons work

20+ facts about flight attendants of private aircraft, the cost of flight on which is equal to our annual salary 14245_3
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  • A flight attendant should be ready for departure 24/7. No flight schedules. Some flight attendants take with them in the trunk of the car ready to uniform and the backup suitcase in case of an unplanned urgent departure.
  • Another minus is informal employment. In most cases, a offshore treaty is, which means that there is no work experience, pension deductions, hospital and maternity payments.
  • Work is associated with high instability, because you never know what will happen tomorrow. Suddenly the plane will be sold, the staff will reduce or leave one stewardess on board instead of two.
  • There is no maternity leave in business aviation. If the stewardess is pregnant, then the contract is simply interrupted. But professional qualities and there is that great strength that can always return you back. Therefore, the return of good stewardess will be waiting, and as soon as it is ready, she will rise again to the clouds and will continue his fleet career.

Pros of work

20+ facts about flight attendants of private aircraft, the cost of flight on which is equal to our annual salary 14245_4
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  • The crew has the opportunity not only to see the beauty of the destination, but also stroll, watch the sights or evaluate the beaches of the best resorts in the world. One of the stewardess says: "That rest is that the work is the same thing."
  • Working in business aviation, flight attendants learn to understand the high kitchen, coffee, china and floristics.
  • Business aviation crew provides accommodation in hotels with at least four stars. And one number per person. Pay a taxi or give a car. Also, some companies pay uniforms, suitcases, cellular communication.


20+ facts about flight attendants of private aircraft, the cost of flight on which is equal to our annual salary 14245_5
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  • Stewardles can not change the color of the hair to the extraordinary.
  • There are vacancies where stewardess growth is clearly indicated: no more than 160-165 cm, because the business luck is a small and high girl elementary can not raise his head. But in most cases the salon height is sufficient for the comfortable movement of high people. Therefore, the girl in 174 cm in 174 cm can be safely operated on heels 5-7 cm.
  • On the plane, everything is very compact, so the stewardess are slimmer, turning, the better. Even with parameters 83-60-92, it happens that there is not enough space. Therefore, the optimal version is size 40-44, not more. ⠀


20+ facts about flight attendants of private aircraft, the cost of flight on which is equal to our annual salary 14245_6
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  • Individual feed on private aircraft in priority. While the passengers are determined with preferences, the stewardess as soon as possible exposes a bread basket on the table, oil and other snacks prepared in advance, offers water.
  • The order of service: the main passenger, children, women (starting with the adult itself), men (starting with the most adult). First serve cold snacks, then soups, hot snacks, main dishes. The order of filing second dishes: fish, then meat and bird dishes, then vegetable, eggs, dairy. Hot dishes It is advisable to serve on preheated plates, caviar - in an inch, in which a glass socket and ice are placed.

Salary and tip.

20+ facts about flight attendants of private aircraft, the cost of flight on which is equal to our annual salary 14245_7
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  • Salary in business aviation is higher than in civilian. Maximum can earn € 4.5 thousand per month. One of the stewardess receives 2 thousand. For comparison: in civil aviation, experienced flight attendants earn from € 600 to 1,000.
  • Tips on board - a delicate matter. They can be both big and small. Here everything is the same as in the restaurant: as a sign of gratitude, passengers can leave money, and sometimes just something as a gift.
  • According to ethics and culture of the profession, work on board is always team, and everyone performs its important role. And tips are gratitude not only by the flight attendant for the service, but also to pilots for a pleasant flight and a soft landing. Therefore, tips are customary to share between all crew members.
  • Tips are the prerogative of charter flights, where the plane rented new passengers every time. Stewardles on such sides give tea from € 100 to 500, it happens more.


20+ facts about flight attendants of private aircraft, the cost of flight on which is equal to our annual salary 14245_8
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  • This is how the case was told by one of the stewardess: "I performed the strange request when the businessman wanted to make the napkins of the same color as his tie. The words "no" does not exist. Finding the napkins failed, the client's mood was spoiled. To correct the situation, I involved all my charm and even got tip. "

What seemed to you most interesting in work on a private plane?

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