How best to store bulk products - 6 ways


These ideas of storage of croup, spices and other bulk products are especially suitable for the organization of the kitchen at the cottage, in a removable apartment, a hostel, as well as if you are asked for consistent consumption or simply look for budget and practical solutions.

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Method 1. Plastic / Glass bottles from under milk or juice

Plastic bottles are ideal for storing bulk products. They, transparent, light, available, easy to care, and also have the perfect size.

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If you do not recognize plastic, then use glass containers from under fruit juices. It is harder, but more durable, allows you to store products longer and looks more beautiful.

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  • When selecting bottles, remember that the wider the neck, the more convenient to spend the product from the factory packaging.
Method 2. Packages Zip-Lok

Packages with Zip-lock are good with its tightness, compactness, transparency and neat appearance. True, use them better for storing those products that are not used too often. For example, it may be a manka, a barrier, a pesh. And in such packages it is convenient to store the remains of the croup.

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  • It is better to use zip-lock tight plastic bags or packages designed specifically for product storage. The first can be bought at the stationery store, and the last - in IKEE and economic stores.
  • Packages with bulk products are more convenient to store the end, not a stack of each other. Get the right product or return it will be more handy - nothing will fall and fall into a bunch. The main thing is that a number of packages have supports from two sides. For example, they can be folded into a box or tray.
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Method 3. Packages with a neck from a plastic bottle

In addition to zip-lock packages, you can use conventional packages for storing bulk products, but a bit improved by a homemade "dispenser" - a neck cut out of a plastic bottle. Here is a photo instruction for the manufacture of such a cunning container.

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Method 4. In banks under the hinged cabinet

This trick kills two hares at once - solves the problems of the deficit of lockers and the absence of special containers for croup. Simply scratch multiple tin caps to the hiding cabinet housing (using self-tapping screws), and then screw the glass jars to the lids.

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Method 5. Baby food jars for spice storage

Store spices in small jars from under baby food it is cheap, environmentally friendly, convenient. What else is needed? For greater beauty and convenience, we would advise to paint the motley lids of mini-jars in one color and sign them.

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Tip: especially convenient to store Badyan, carnation, pepper, cinnamon and other large spices and spices in small jars.

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Method 6. Clips and clothespins

If you are satisfied with the storage of products in packages or packaged factory packages, then everything you need is clamps, for example, from IKEA or Tescoma (sold in many stores).

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Three tricks of storage of bulk products
  • In order for storage in the kitchen, it is organized not only practical, but also gently in appearance, try to use the containers are the same in shape and size. The feeling of order will be guaranteed!
  • Kastomizing budget tanks for croup and bulk products can be in two ways:

1. Paint the lids in one color, for example, paint from the canister.

2. Glue special stickers and sign them on the containers. So you not only simplify the search for the necessary products, but also an embezzle the containers. Beautiful stickers as in the photo below you can buy in IKEY or to order on Aliexpress, for example.

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  • And one more lifehak. In order for the rear row of products to be higher than the front, you can use empty boxes from the same croup filled with bags with excess / residues of bulk products. Thus, the reserves of croup do not interfere and do not spoil the view, and the access and overview of the reverse row becomes easier.
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See also:

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