The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the garden


Good afternoon, my reader. Raspberries - a plant that easily carries out in a new place and quickly grow. Most often, gardeners use the following methods of reproduction.

The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the garden 14195_1
The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the Nella garden

Ramplifting of raspberries (photo used by standard license ©

This method is resorted when the main Malinnik is struck by the disease. For this suitable spring or autumn period.

Method of action:

  1. At a distance of 35 cm from the main bush rolls the soil.
  2. Carefully take a gifted root, trying to keep as much branches as much as possible.
  3. Cut up 8 cm long so that each remains up to two kidneys. Fracting roots retain.

Cuttings are planted on a pre-prepared place: in an outdoor ground or greenhouse.

The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the garden 14195_2
The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the Nella garden

Soil preparation for raspberry bushes (Photo used by standard license ©

The soil is chosen fertile. Make landing pits with a depth of 6 cm. Place the cuttings and pour the earth.

In the summer season, the place requires careful care:

  • constant irrigation;
  • loosening;
  • Weeding.

Most often, in this way, healthy plants retain or multiple grade varieties. The cultivation of cuttings under the film prevents pest attacks and infection with fungal diseases.

The method is used in spring, in the period of active growth of the raspberry. Root offspring are taken when they reach a height of 15 cm. Select strong, green specimens without signs of the disease.

The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the garden 14195_3
The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the Nella garden

Raspberry bush (Photo used by standard license ©

Method of action:

  1. Siblings are separated from the main bush, feeding at a distance of 40 cm.
  2. Place in place for germination (shkayka).
  3. In the fall transplanted on a permanent site.

The shovel is prepared in advance in order to immediately place a cutlery, otherwise it will start.

For breeding, old plants are suitable, whose grade is highly harvesting with good taste characteristics. Time is chosen in the second half of May. Green shots are combined with the thinning of the Malinnik.

The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the garden 14195_4
The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the Nella garden

Crimping of raspberries (Photo used by standard license ©

Method of action:

  1. Selected cropped shoots 9 cm long with two real leaves on the top, the rest are removed.
  2. Make oblique cut at the bottom of the cutlets.
  3. The night is soaked in the growth stimulator. For example, in Kornvin.
  4. Sit into film greenhouse. The landing place is preparing in advance. In the pit, layers fall asleep: 2 cm of clay, a mixture of 1 part of river sand, 1 part of humus.
  5. The lower end of the cutlets are plugged by 1.5 cm.

Shkoltie leave until the beginning of autumn until a full-fledged root system is formed. The greenhouse supports high humidity - at least 90%.

A simple method is suitable for breeding on a plot of one raspberry. Used in autumn.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Drunk bush. At the same time, it is important to save as much intact roots as possible.
  2. They divide on 2 or more parts, depending on the size of the bush.
  3. Sit down immediately in pre-prepared landing wells.

After landing, the above-ground part is cut off, leaving no more than three live kidneys. A seedling needs abundant watering until active growth begins.

The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the garden 14195_5
The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the Nella garden

Raspberry Fertilizer (Photo Used by Standard License ©

Fertilizers need:

  • In the spring: nitroammofoska - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • In summer: potassium sulfate - 1 tsp;
  • in the fall (after harvesting): Woody ash - 275

Take the apparent kidneys formed on the roots. Suitable healthy plants with a high yield rate. The method is used in the middle of autumn.

The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the garden 14195_6
The most effective methods for breeding raspberry in the Nella garden

Raspberries (Photo Used by Standard License ©


  1. Warm offspring dug up at a distance of 25 cm from the bush.
  2. The remaining leaves are cut off.
  3. On shoots, a length of 11 cm make a straight cut and treated with "root".
  4. Wrap in the newspaper and stored in a dark cool place until spring.
  5. In the spring they plant in specially prepared pots and wrapped with a film.
  6. Support high humidity.

As the cutting groves are planted at a permanent place.

Independent reproduction of raspberries makes it possible to get healthy, strong plants. Who will delight a good harvest.

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