What do the figures of the Formula of Happoras are meaning?

What do the figures of the Formula of Happoras are meaning? 14193_1
What do the figures of the Formula of Happoras are meaning?

Nizhnevartovsky psychologists led the formula of happiness. Experts conducted a study to the 90th anniversary of the district. And studied the individual values ​​of the residents of Ugra. The survey started on December 10, on the birthday of the region, and lasted 3 weeks. In Nim, residents of 16 County Cities took part. The most active were Khantymansky, Surgutyan and Varovchan. In total, 3500 Yugorscan participated in the study.

Each second poem Valery Akimov is dedicated to Ugra, Nizhnevartovsk, the development of self-tractor. The poet came here on his birthday at the invitation of the best friend. At first, North scared a young specialist with severe frosts and difficult life. Fortunately, it was possible to settle on the Nizhnevartovsky gas processing plant, which only opened and promised good prospects.

Valery Akimov, Poet, Honorary Oilman: "I wanted to see the world. I flew to my 29th birthday. I decided it time to see the Soviet Union. There was no particular purpose. Just come. " In Nizhnevartovsk, Valeria Akimova had a family, interesting work, thanks to which he traveled all Western Siberia. We had to often visit business trips, sometimes they had more than 70 per year. A young specialist tightened the northern romance. Like many, he arrived in Ugra for a while, but remained forever. What encourages people to live in our region, they decided to find out Nizhnevartovsky psychologists. They conducted an online study and 3 weeks interviewed the Ugra of various ages. Elvira Sorokina, Medical Psychologist Nizhnevartovskaya Psychoneurological Hospital: "We used the recommendations of the World Health Organization. By age, young residents of Ugra from 18 to 44 years old were actively active. The very small participant of the survey was 8 years old. The most adult is 79 years old. I want to say a huge thank you for the people of Ugra for what they have shown such activity, interest. According to the results of research, the specialists of the Nizhnevartovsky Psychoneurological Hospital created a map of values ​​of the residents of Ugra. The priority was family roots and traditions, unique local nature, the ability to realize themselves. Psychologists also brought the formula of happiness from four digits. For Ugra, this is 9-5-2-0. 9 means the number of hours of daily sleep, 5 - days of your favorite work, 2 days of travel every month, 0 - the number of thoughts to postpone something for later.

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