Mother's assistant: how to involve a child in life


Helping home, to have their small duties, the child can already have from 3-4 years. With the competent approach of the parents, the child will gladly turn into a common life, and over the years, his duties will only expand.

Do not order, but explain

"Fasting a bed!", "Don't you see, what's the dust?", "You again dispelled with your drawing!". What seems obvious to you may not be at all such for the child. That you know why you need to fill the bed. That you notice dust, and the child has completely different interests, and he can really not see her. It you see dirt where children see the game and creativity.

For any action need a reason. Very tiring to perform incomprehensible work, so I want to forget about it.

So your task is to find a sense for all. You can honestly tell how it is harmful to breathe dust, reinforcing the story by scientific facts and pictures. Just do not overdo it in order not to settle the panic fear and unhealthy craving for cleanliness.

And you can come up with a gaming meaning. For example, declare dust by an alien invader, and a child - a cosmic warrior, fearlessly released to fight him.

No duties and game

This Council echoes the previous one. Few children like to get out, but everyone loves to play. We'll have to strain fantasy, invent some kind of plots and to participate in them. It is not easy, it is much easier to do everything yourself. But when the child enthraves and take the initiative into his own hands, it will be possible to rest - make yourself tea and with aspiration to watch the stormy activity of the kid.

Stocksnap / Pixabay.
Stocksnap / pixabay to afford

When a child learns to read and write, he makes many mistakes. Non-stroke rows of crossings, a huge number of not so read letters and incorrect stressmen - all this is normal, the usual learning process.

Homemade Child learns. Only often we, parents, hinder them. Broke the plate when I wanted to wash the dishes, dropped books, wiping dust ... In general, instead of order, it turns out even greater mess. All this is terribly angry, I want to cancel all the orders (often it is done with the words: "You can not trust you!") And quickly do everything yourself.

But how then will you learn? How will the tricks of treatment with rags and plates, will remember where it is stored if he won't be able to try and mistaken? If each error is reproached, if the child sees that mom eventually makes everything herself, he will stop even trying to try and all the power will allow to blame everything from homework.

Laterjay photography / Pixabay
Laterjay photography / Pixabay praise for any little things

Yes, on errors sometimes it is worth closing your eyes. But on the achievement - on the contrary. We appreciate the child's work, even the most seemingly minor.

If some business enters the constant duty of the baby, it still needs to praise for successful implementation.

You probably know how it's a shame when no one notices your efforts when the work is perceived as something of granted. Then I don't want to do anything.

Photo by Polesie Toys: pexels

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