Evening Novostroy.ru: Are housing prices down after demand, the Moscow authorities will accelerate the renovation, the real estate of the capital in the world top for an increase in the cost of apartments


The demand for apartments fell by more than 50% per month, experts predicted how it would affect prices. Also today, Moscow authorities stated that they will accelerate the construction of houses under the Renovation Program. Read about this and other news in digests from March 2.

Five years in three years. The construction time of houses under the renovation program will be reduced. As the head of the department of construction of the capital Rafik Zagontinov said, the Moscow authorities intend to produce enlarged details for the construction of new buildings, it will increase the rate of assembling of buildings. As Rafik Zagotdinov said, there are enough enterprises in Moscow who are able to launch such production, and the developers of housing will quickly switch to block technology. However, does not affect this quality of construction - the question is open.

When will it be cheaper? At the beginning of the year, the demand for primary housing fell by 52%. Experts told whether real estate prices would go down after demand.

"At the moment, the developers are withdrawn a large number of new buildings. A small decline in prices is observed due to the start of sales on new objects. However, there should be no strong fall in prices: an increase in the cost of construction, the transition to escroe financing, a pandemic, the outflow of the working force strongly hit the workers' pocket and minimize this blow they will at the expense of buyers. Most likely, we are waiting for a small price correction in the area of ​​3-5%. At the end of 2021, the rise in prices, slightly superior inflation, is expected, "says Sergey Kovrov, head of the consulting department and analytics of the NDV-Supermarket Real Estate.

City of big money. The minimum salary of workers at construction site of Moscow is 60 thousand rubles a month, the head of the construction department of the capital of Rafik Zagotdinov said. Qualified workers receive 80-90 thousand rubles. Note that in general, on the capital of earnings above. According to the Mosgorostat, the average monthly salary in Moscow in 2019 amounted to 89 thousand rubles. According to the Social Insurance Fund, the average salary in Russia in 2020-2021 is equal to 36 thousand rubles.

Who builds Moscow. "Peak", "Ingrad" and "A101" headed the rating of Moscow developers in terms of the volume of current housing construction. The authors of the rating - the National Association of Housing Developers. Today, "Peak" builds 3.4 million square meters of housing in the capital, "INGRAD" - 782.8 thousand "squares", "A101" - 749.8 thousand "squares". The top five leader developers also included Domstroe, MR Group, MIC.

Expensive ornate. Moscow entered the top five world leaders in price increases for luxury housing in 2020, reported in Knight Frank. The capital of Russia for the year rose to 11 lines in the ranking, taking the fifth place out of 100 with an increase in cost by 10%. St. Petersburg last year entered the TOP-10, moving from 61 to 8th place, in the northern capital, luxury accommodation rose by 8.7%. The first place in the ranking was taken by Auckland in New Zealand, there prices for luxury real estate increased by 17.5%. Also in the top five cities entered the Shenzhen megacities with an increase in value by 13.3%, Seoul - plus 11.7%, manila - plus 10.2%.

Evening Novostroy.ru: Are housing prices down after demand, the Moscow authorities will accelerate the renovation, the real estate of the capital in the world top for an increase in the cost of apartments 13983_1
At the beginning of the year, the demand for primary housing fell by 52%

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