Large and sweet: overview of the best blackberry varieties


    Good afternoon, my reader. Blackberry, grown in some countries (USA, Mexico) on an industrial scale, in our villages occurs infrequently. Not all gardeners like prickly culture with tart, acid berries. However, there are varieties that have no spikes on shoots, and the berries are not only large, but also sweet.

    Large and sweet: overview of the best blackberry varieties 13980_1
    Large and Sweet: Overview of the best nelya blackberry varieties

    Blackberry berries (Photo used by standard license ©

    The name Black Magic received a variety of repairing blackberries, fruiting twice a year. In the middle of summer, the fruits ripen on the shoots of last year, and at the end of the season - on young stems. From one adult plant collect up to 9 kg of blackberries.

    Large and sweet: overview of the best blackberry varieties 13980_2
    Large and Sweet: Overview of the best nelya blackberry varieties

    Blackberry Black Madzhik (photos from

    In the regions with a cold climate, the harvest is collected once, since it is no longer time to ripen. In this case, Black Magic cultivate as an ordinary (not removable) variety.

    Black magic is self-polished grade, giving high yields, even if related cultures are not growing nearby. Long shoots almost do not have thorns, this circumstance only adds a variety of popularity.

    Ancient grade of garden blackberry was launched more than a century ago, but still remains popular. Winter-hardy shrub withstands frost to - 30 ° C. The process of breeding is facilitated by the fact that the plant quickly expands.

    Large and sweet: overview of the best blackberry varieties 13980_3
    Large and Sweet: Overview of the best nelya blackberry varieties

    Blackberry varieties (Photo used by standard license ©

    Agavam variety is unpretentious in care, but there are very many spikes on his shoots that make it difficult to harvest and pruning procedure. High-resistant shrub tolerates the shading and short-term drought.

    Blackberry Agavam prefers light bulb with a neutral reaction, although it can grow in any soil. Large fruits of cone shape, assembled during the period of full ripening, poured with juice and have a pleasant rich taste.

    The product of Polish selection is a frost-resistant variety of middle time of ripening polyar. The plant withstands a decrease in temperature to - 25 ° C, but does not withstand the test cold at a temperature of 30 ° C and below. In the northern regions of the Blackberry Parliament needs winter shelter, otherwise the yields will decrease in the frozen bushes.

    Large and sweet: overview of the best blackberry varieties 13980_4
    Large and Sweet: Overview of the best nelya blackberry varieties

    Blackberry bushes (photo used by standard license ©

    Plant care is facilitated by the fact that it is not demanding for the composition of the soil, withstands short-term drought, resistant to diseases, pests. In addition, there are no spikes on high shoots (2.5-3 m).

    The hybrid implanted with French breeders amazes the large size of fruits and high yields. Each bush is collected from 20 to 30 kg of berries. An unpretentious plant begins to fruit a year after landing.

    Large and sweet: overview of the best blackberry varieties 13980_5
    Large and Sweet: Overview of the best nelya blackberry varieties

    Blackberry (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Juicy, sweet with small acids of berries are not afraid of transportation and are stored in a fresh form for 7-10 days without prejudice to the product type and taste. Jumbo well tolerates summer heat, a slight shading and not demanding to the composition of the soil.

    Unpretentious culture in care can serve as an excellent alive hedge. In addition, juicy and sweet fruits with a characteristic aroma can be used both in cooking and in the preparation of beverages.

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