How to organize Family Book Club: 7 Soviets Parents

How to organize Family Book Club: 7 Soviets Parents 13936_1

We read and discuss books with children

The books will help to combine the whole family and spend together more time if you organize a family book club. Thanks to him, you will expand the horizons, because at each meeting of the club, one of the family members will choose a book for everyone. When a child is offered to you, a fan of science fiction, a children's detective, to which you looked with contempt, will not turn out.

And at meetings of clubs, it is customary to share impressions from books and discuss their meaning. So the child will learn to analyze the books and look at them from different points of view. This skill will come in handy in the lessons of literature and exams.

That's what you need to do to organize a book club with children.

Choose a book

Everyone can offer his book, retell its annotation and call the pros (received many awards, written by a popular author). And then you need to make a vote. Of course, it is impossible to vote for your book.

So that no one is offended, make a schedule and offer books in turn. The child is not very interested in the book club? Let them offer the book for the first meeting!

Schoolchildren who do not want to read at all, but are forced to do this due to literature lessons, your club will bring even more benefits. Just choose a book from the school program for the club. So the child will have more motivation to read them, and your discussion at the club's meeting will help write an essay on the work.

If you can't agree anything, trust the fate: there is a "Random Book" section on LiveLIB.

Find an instance of the book for each

You will have to read the books at the same time, so each family member should have its own copy. There will be no problems with this if the child already has its own smartphone or tablet. In this case, you will have to get everything on a paperbook.

Buy several copies can be expensive. If you do not find books in the library you need, then look at the ads on Avito - there are many cheap books. There are also separate sites on which people sell their old books. For example, Bird Books. Ozon sell rare buccinistic editions, but among them there are also simple old copies at a low price.

Set the deadline for reading

When you choose a book, immediately decide on the day of meeting your club, where you will discuss read. It is not easy to do this: still read at different speeds. Therefore, when choosing a term you need to focus on the slowest and busy reader.

It is desirable that the meetings take place with the same frequency. The optimal option is once a month. Choose a suitable day at the end of each month when the whole family can get together.

Make meetings thematic

You can simply get ready at the table in the kitchen, drink tea with cookies and discuss books. Or do every meeting of a unique dedicated topic of the work.

To discuss the book about nature, go to the park and combine the club meeting with a picnic. If the events of the book are unfolding in your city, visit the same places in which heroes visited.

And for the home meeting of the club, try the images of the characters. Read a book about the Wild West? Then you definitely time to acquire cowboy hats!

Prepare a list of questions

Each meeting need a list of questions in advance. They can be general suitable for discussing any book.

In turn, tell us what you liked the most and did not like it, what character and the story turn came better than the rest. And after that it is worth discussing specific scenes. For example, during reading, the child did not understand why one of the positive heroes committed a bad act. Try to make out this moment together.

Just do not turn the discussion into the survey on school lessons and do not force the child to answer if he does not want.

Get the reader's diary

Together with the child briefly record the abstracts of the discussion in the notebook or text document. If you choose a work for the club from a school program for the club, then this diary is accurate for the child, because the records will be the basis for the writing.

But only within your club, the diary is useful. For example, when you read similar works or books of one author, you can compare them on recordings from the diary.

See shielding books

Books do not suffer from lack of shields. Many works were shielded far from one time.

You will make a meeting of the book club even more interesting, if you first look at the movie, the series or cartoon based on the read work. And then you can already compare a book and a film and decide what you liked more and why.

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