Portable air sterilizer: checking the device with which Anna Semenovich does not part

Portable air sterilizer: checking the device with which Anna Semenovich does not part 13851_1

Ex-figure skater, singer, actress Anna Semenovich after suffering a coronavirus infection, does not part with a portable device, which sterilizes air around it.

Anna Semenovich: "On tour when I go, I always turn it on, in the train I have everywhere with me, in the car I turn on this device, I turn on it in the plane, because the plane is a closed ventilation system and it is not clear who sick "

As a manufacturer promises, the device is able to clean air from 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, as well as from toxic substances - petrol, formaldehyde, tobacco smoke, unpleasant odors and allergens. The device disinfects the volume from 3 cubic meters (for example, in a car) up to 30 cubes - indoors. And all this without interchangeable filters. Price - from 20 000 rubles.

Inside the device is an electrode to which the voltage is supplied and the crown discharge is created. "Dirty" air, as advertising describes, with the help of the fan is driven through this discharge, ionized and disinfected.

Science says that the principle itself is indeed faithful: ionized plasma atoms of gases and the truth can inactivate bacteria and viruses. This can be compared with the cooking egg, which is not destroyed, but can not be considered alive. The poisoning effect on living organisms has also ozone, which is formed when oxygen ionization. The characteristic odor of the thunderstorm is felt immediately after the instrument is turned on, but this is a bad sign, because ozone can harm health.

In the portable sterilizer plate for the capture of ozone. The manufacturer assures that the electrodes are covered with special composition - nanocheramic with titanium dioxide, which reduces the amount of ozone isolated. His smell, by the way, does not repel Anna Semenovich. She says that, on the contrary, it immediately feels that the sterilizer works. In the Laboratory of the Chemical Faculty of Moscow State University, having studied the device, reassured that the concentration of ozone in it does not excitely reach the maximum permissible. But there are doubts in the other.

Polina Polikarpova, Researcher of Moscow State University: "The device satisfies the stated standards, if you have experiments in a small closed space, but if you move to real premises, it will not be very clear how well the device will work. Because there is no big air intake, and the area it will be cleaned, most likely will be very small. "

To breathe truly sterilized air, you need to keep this device very close to yourself. But there is already a risk of damage to the lungs, because the human ion cells can have the same amazing effect as on the microbes. There were no research on this topic.

Portable air sterilizer: checking the device with which Anna Semenovich does not part 13851_2
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The impression of the sterilizer spoils also the fact that in the instructions for it and in one of the protocols of laboratory tests on the site are ridiculous errors. Experts who measured the amount of ozone, confused the volume and area of ​​the room, and in the instructions are mixed with ions and isotopes. The error on the site manufacturers in the end corrected, but they still could not all doubt disqualled.

Portable air sterilizer: checking the device with which Anna Semenovich does not part 13851_3
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