What will change in the life of Bryantsev from March 1

What will change in the life of Bryantsev from March 1 1385_1

Russia adopted a number of legislation, which will earn already in March of this year. The basic changes that will affect the lives of Bryantsev, tell you short.

Payment by the "World" card

From March 1, sellers and owners of aggregators with revenue more than 30 million rubles for the previous calendar year will have to provide the opportunity to accept the "Peace" card.

Make it will be necessary until June 30, 2021.

Children's benefits up to three years

From March 1, for making benefits for children up to three years, low-income families need a statement again. It will be necessary to submit annually, first in connection with the birth of a child, then when they reach one year, two and three years. It will have to be written again in case of changing the place of residence of the family.

You can seek the assignment of benefits to the organs of social protection or MFC, as well as remotely through the Public Services portal. In addition to the application, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the income of the family, since the payment is prescribed only to families, the average income of which is less than the two-time size of the subsistence minimum established in the region.

Change in the procedure of technical inspection of vehicles

From March 1, the procedure is introduced to the design of diagnostic maps mainly in electronic form, etc. It was planned that these amendments would take effect on June 8, 2020, but due to the pandemic, the deadline for the start of reform was transferred.

Also tightened responsibility for violation of the requirements in the field of technical inspection of vehicles. For example, the issuance of a diagnostic card without checking will entail an administrative penalty for citizens in the amount of 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles; on officials - from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles; On Yurlitz - from 200 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.

New Rules for Labor Protection

Since March 1, new labor protection rules are introduced in closed spaces - in the premises, inputs and outputs in which are difficult. Rules to touch work in collectors, wells, tunnels, ventilation mines and other closed spaces.

So, for example, the employee can be in the sewer well no more than 15 minutes. It will be able to go down to him only after a 15-minute break.

On work in mines where industrial mining is being conducted, new rules do not apply, since there is a special regulation.

Register of mandatory requirements

For mandatory requirements that the business should comply with after the "regulatory guillotine" response, a special registry will be created. It will have a list of these requirements, as well as data on their regulatory legal acts and their validity period.

Additional Protection of Personal Data

From March 1, it is not allowed to obtain consent to the dissemination of personal data of citizens "by default". When filling out the consent to the use of publicly available data, people will decide whether from the information - F. I. O., Mobile Phone, Email, address, etc. - can be used publicly, and what will remain private. In addition, operators must delete personal data on the first user request.

At the same time, silence or inaction, under no circumstances, cannot be considered consent to the processing of personal data allowed by the subject of personal data for distribution.

New sanitary requirements for housing and maintenance of territories

Since March 1, new sanitary and epidemiological requirements for housing and maintenance of territories of settlements come into force.

Thus, the territories of general use will have to be equipped with urns at a distance of no more than 100 meters from each other. It will be laid no less than once a day. Container sites near houses must be fenced with three sides and regularly processed from insects and rodents depending on the air temperature.

Burn a foliage within the city or village will be prohibited.

The sidewalks will need to sweep and water at a temperature of from +10 degrees and sprinkle from ice at temperatures below zero.

Criminal liability for individuals-inogenments

Since March 1, criminal liability is introduced for individuals-invoices that did not apply for their inclusion in the registry of the Ministry of Justice.

It will also be punished for malicious evasion from the provision of documents necessary for inclusion in the Register of NGO Inogenments, and for violating the procedure for the activities of a foreign media-foreign media or a Russian legal entity established by it that performs the functions of the Inagen.

New road sign

From March 1, the amendments are taken into force in the rules of the road, which introduce a new sign - ahead of the road is controlled by an automatic camera of photovideo violations.

According to the amendments, it will be installed outside the settlements for 150 - 300 meters to the start of the control area of ​​automatic complexes. In the settlements it will be installed only at the entrance, with signs warning about the beginning of the settlement.

However, as reported by the Russian newspaper, until the signs on the roads do not appear, as they are simply not developed.

Hunting Weapon Import Foreigners

From March 9, citizens will be able to import weapons in the Russian Federation for hunting and cartridges to him only with the permission of Rosgvardia. At the end of the term of permission, foreigners will be required to take the hunting weapon.

Expansion of the list of customers of complex cadastral works

From March 23, financing of comprehensive cadastral work will be able to be carried out not only at the expense of the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, but also of individuals and legal entities interested in performing such work.

The innovation will allow real estate copyright holders to save due to the massive nature of such work in relation to a single territory, for example, to the territory of the horticultural or garden partnership. In addition, the likelihood of registry errors is reduced.

The deadline for submission of applications for payment of 5,000 rubles

March 31 expires the deadline for registration of a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles for children under 7 years inclusive. Recall the right to pay families in which children were born until April 1, 2021. It is appointed for each child, who, as of December 17, 2020, has not yet been 8 years old.

The payment for payment must be submitted to those families who did not make up one-time "coronavirus" payments for children in 2020, including due to the fact that the child appeared only after July 1, 2020.

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