Saratov governor tries to punish a deputy - a fighter with corruption "For a loan that was not"

Saratov governor tries to punish a deputy - a fighter with corruption
Governor of Saratov region Valery Radaev photo Roman Pyatakov

Today, on March 4, in the course of an extraordinary meeting of the municipal assembly of the urban district, the bright deputies will consider the anti-corruption representation of the governor of the Saratov region Valery Radaeva. Relevant information is posted on the official website of the municipality.

In a telephone conversation with a correspondent IA "Free News", the local deputy Alexey Required, who received fame because of the fight against corruption in the district, stated that his surname is referred to in the view of the head of the region.

According to the interlocutor, in the document that has been checking in the regional office in cooperation with law enforcement agencies and anti-corruption (headed by Ilya Ovchinnikov - Approx. Ed.) And the signed by the Governor Valery Radaev, lists the violations of the Council. In particular, from the statement of the head of the region, it follows that the Required did not indicate several bank accounts in the Declaration, one account did not reflect his spouse.

Recalling the data provided by PJSC VTB, the head of the region reports that the deputy concluded on December 30, 2018 a loan agreement in the amount of 822154.25 rubles, but did not write about it in the declaration. In addition, it follows from the document that as of December 31, 2019, the required debt on this loan in the amount of 708,349.4 rubles, which was also not reflected in the declaration for 2019.

"Submit the explanations on the identified violations of the Required A.G. Embed "," the governor wrote.

Analyzing the above, Radaev comes to the conclusion that there is no conflict of interest in the actions of the requirment, and therefore "qualified signs necessary for deprivation of its powers are not seen."

Commenting on the statement of the governor, Alexei Required deputy reported that he did not take a declare loan. As evidence, he provided an extract from the bank for several years, where the loan information is really missing.

"Before the latter, I was hidden that such a statement came signed by the head of the region. Only after the intervention of the prosecutor's office last night I was familiar with this document. I, when I heard about a loan of 800 thousand rubles, I first thought that the fraudsters were issued on me. It turned out that they want to be held responsible for the loan that was not. According to the legislation, I can make a warning, or to deprive the deputy mandate, "said the requested.

The meeting on which Valery Radaeva statement will be considered today.

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