Why was the monetary reform of Tsar Alexei Romanov was unsuccessful?


Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov received a nickname nickname, but during his reign of Russia's continuous wars with other countries, and the state itself was survived by the difficult times of reformity. Many transformations gave positive results, because they were dictated to the extreme necessity. However, there were not very successful innovations, for example, monetary reform. The king forced to constant confrontation with powerful powers was forced to make decisive measures, giving an order to produce copper coins. It would seem that everything was quite logical, however, Alexei Mikhailovich's idea and his reform turned folk bunth. What implied cash transformations? Why was the reform turned out to be so unsuccessful? And what did she bring Russia?

Backgrounds of reform

Until 1654, there were coins of several samples in Russia - a penny and money that was minted from silver, and a semi, the material for which fleden wire was served. All of them had a small nominal, but there were no major monetary units. Immediately imagine how it made it difficult to trade. Serious transactions have significantly braked the need to count and recalculate many thousands of coins. Paradoxically, but also negatively, such a state of affairs has affected the small trade, which was difficult to be conducted due to the lack of exchangeable coins. The consequence was the deterioration of the country's economic situation, the inhibition of the development of the economy.

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Pavel Ryzhko "Quiet"

Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov, thanks to a number of successful military hikes, managed to join the territory of Russia, Malorossia and a number of Belarusian lands. In these territories, the European sample was in circulation, which largely won the Russian coins. In the period of the war with the speech, the need arose the need to introduce new monetary units, which would be approached by European counterparts. In addition, resources in the treasury were catastrophically not enough due to long wars and broken off the epidemic of the plague. The monetary economy needed transformations, the same economy required, and it was precisely the reform that could change the situation in Russia.

Implementation of monetary reform

According to the ideas, the reform was extremely reasonable solving problems. Copper coins were introduced into the appeal, however, the former units were not selected from the turnover. Large trade has received the opportunity to use not only the money of a small nominal value, which means that the emergence of new coins was to be positively affected by the country's economy.

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Ruble Alexei Mikhailovich (1654)

In 1654, rubles were minted by order of the king. In subsequent decrees, permission was to begin the chasing of the Filnikov, half defensive, hryvnia, altyans and grip. After a year, a lot of money had a new sample, however, most of the population avoided using them either used extremely reluctantly.

Main mistakes

As such as it can be noted, people had no confidence of power, which was provoked by a number of errors in the implementation of reform. The surveyor D. E. Breakov in his article on monetary reform in Russia indicates a special aspect:

It was a deliberately wrong position. The policy required the payment of taxes only with silver, while the salary was paid by copper coins. There was practically no free exchange of copper money on silver. Despite this, constantly sounded statements that there are no differences between the money of the new and old sample. Could this believe the people? Of course, no, and therefore most people tried not to use copper coins that had very questionable value. However, under the threat of punishment, the population was prescribed to take copper money, while the government itself clearly preferred silver.

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"Efimok with a sign" (1655 days on the Brabant taler 1637)

Unsuccessful completion of reform

A considerable impact on the undermining of the reform Alexei Mikhailovich had both the activities of the fakes. Copper money could be faked with a special ease, because all the machines were hand-held mechanisms. In terms of 1656, an accurate prescription issued by the customs head was indicated by the Customs head: from the population to collect taxes with silver for two thirds, and only one third - copper. At the same time, it is what kind of Kabatskaya drink, for the royal goods, for duties and taxes, "people must pay silver coins. In addition, in individual regions, for example, in Siberia, and at all it was unprofitable to pay to the payment of Dani Copper, because in this area there was a long-standing femal collection. They were valued much higher copper coins. Trade with foreigners could also be used copper. As the historian J. Shiks notes, the copper money could be called a "local currency", since they could actually be used only within the country. The number of restrictions associated with the circulation of copper coins, the distrust of people have become the cause of the copper rebellion that flashed in Moscow in 1662. A number of major cities of Russia also touched on folk unrest. The government was forced to stop the implementation of the monetary reform, which led to instability in society. Copper money was withdrawn, and the exchange was 100 copper coins on 1 silver. The investigative reform turned out to be an unsuccessful attempt to transform in the financial and economic spheres. The main mistake was the wrong execution of the planned plan. In the future, the son of Tsar Alexei, Peter the first on the basis of this reform implements its own innovations, using other methods, and the result will be very successful. In fact, the mistakes of reforms Alexei Mikhailovich indicated the subsequent rulers to the shortcomings that were corrected in the future.

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