Trading volume of Canadian Bitcoin ETF reached $ 165 million


The first Canadian Birzheva Bitcoin Foundation announced a record volume of the bidding of cryptovaluate at $ 165 million after the rapid growth of the Bitcoin price

Cryptocurrency stock funds are becoming more popular than traditional

Exchange Bitcoin Foundation PURPOSE BITCOIN ETF, which has not yet long started its work in Toronto (Canada), has already been reporting on record trading volumes of $ 165 million. Such results were achieved after the price of the main cryptocurrency overcame the mark of $ 51,000.

Immediately after rising prices, investors have grown buying Bitcoin in anticipation of a new rally. This is evidenced by the indicator of the ASOL coins spent, which jumped almost twice from 30 to 58 days. An interesting fact: Hodlers have become more active to sell coins, while stock exchanges, retail and institutional investors continue to buy them.

The growth of Bitcoin's course has already led to the fact that some companies have significantly increased their capitalization. For example, quite recently, the Coinbase cryptobase market value increased to $ 77 billion. At the same time, the bidded volume of bitcoin-futures for Lamy exceeded a record $ 5 billion.

Such popularity of Bitcoin among large investors can be a pulse to create cryptocurrency ETF in the United States. American regulators with enviable constancy denied everyone who wishes to launch Bitcoin-ETF, but the demand for these tools from investors is steadily growing.

Many large financial institutions look at the digital asset. Revision Beincrypto recently reported that Counterpoint Global, a division of the Morgan Stanley Investment Management, which manages investments in order of $ 150 billion, considers the possibility of acquiring Bitcoin as an investment asset.

Trading volume of Canadian Bitcoin ETF reached $ 165 million 13807_1

High volatility Bitcoin still scares

High volatility of a digital asset can adversely affect the activity of investors. Bloomberg analysts note that currently there are several active applications for the registration of Bitcoin-ETF, including Vaneck Associates Corp. and BitWise Asset Management. But the regulator is still embarrassed by cryptocurrency price fluctuations and accusations of manipulating prices in the industry.

Recall that the Prosecutor's Office of New York has already accused the issuer of the most popular Tether stelkin in manipulating the market and pumping prices for Bitcoin.

The POST trading volume of Canadian Bitcoin ETF reached $ 165 million Appeared First On Beincrypto.

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