Corks, long expectation of public transport and trash: the effects of snowfall in Kaluga

Corks, long expectation of public transport and trash: the effects of snowfall in Kaluga 13769_1

We have repeatedly wrote about heavy snowfall, which collapsed to Kaluga and the area last weekend. From Sundays in Kaluga is clear frosty weather. However, the effects of snow storm still worried Kaluzhan.

No whole snow was taken to the environment from the regional center. Nevertheless, for the passage of transport roads is cleaned. However, on the roadway, especially at rush hour, congestion and interruptions in public transport are observed.

So, today, on the right bank lined a huge queue from those who want to leave the microdistrict on public transport. And it was not all.

Complaints on interruptions with the operation of transport in Kaluga come daily. The situation was trying to clarify the director of the management of Kaluga Tolleybus, Vadim Vitakov. According to him, often the cause of long expectation of buses and trolley buses becomes Kaluzhan, leaving cars on the roads in such a way that public transport simply cannot drive.

A similar situation occurred today in the morning near Kaluga-1 station.

"7:30 in the morning. At Kaluga-1, some kind of dating threw the car and stopped the work of the routes 1 and 12," said Vitakov.

As it turned out, the driver left the car and went to another city. I had to call the traffic police and tow truck. Trolleybuses all this time were idle, and waiting for their passengers could not leave. It continued for about two hours.

Director of "Management of Kaluga Trolleybus" calls to Caluzhan:

- I understand that in some cases people there are no one to park that drifts, etc., but I hope for the opposite understanding - delays and failures, no fault of the UKT, transport simply does not physically move in such cases.

Kaluzhan, accustomed to leave their cars along the road, apparently did not take into account that he was passing the part already, and, it means that the car could prevent the passage. Especially suffering from this public transport and its passengers.

In addition to the snow and Kaluga traffic jams continue to drown in the garbage. We will remind, on Monday, Kaluzhanas complained massively on unwinded waste from the playgrounds equipped for it. The question rose even on the urban glider. The communal services promised to cope with the garbage in Kaluga in two days.

On Wednesday, the complaints from Kaluzhan on the sites for the collection of TKO, littered with garbage, continue to flow. So, for example, a playground looks like Pushkin, 3. According to the author of this photo, it is not taken out of garbage for seven days.

However, to clearing Kaluga from snow of the city head asked for a week. We hope after the holiday weekend, all these problems will be eliminated. If the city does not hit the next snowfall.

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