What kind of plant skare?

What kind of plant skare? 13687_1
What kind of plant skare? Photo: Depositphotos.

Many of the names that in abundance put the people is a flowering plant, one way or another are associated with cold weapons: a dress, a saaber-grass, swamp-grass. The leaves or "firing" vertically, the scenery or "shooting" vertically, which are reminiscent of the blade of the blade on a high stem - is uniquely answered. From the name of the sword, the "name" of a cultural hybrid, originating from this plant - gladiolus takes place.

At first glance, the shinker is the same gladiolus. The name "Skat" worn plants with lanceathoid, sword-shaped narrow long leaves. The genus of these plants has more than 200 species.

The plant is perennial, has a rather large height. A reprehensive slim stem reaches 70 cm. A slot creates a spherical shape of a small clubnelluca. It is covered with thin fiber flakes - these are the remains of the lower leaf leaves. Such a shell performs a protective function: it protects the bulb against damage.

In Europe, there was a belief associated with this shell: it was believed that such a bulb protects the Warrior from swords and arrows, like a talisman.

The high reprehensive stem ends with a co-eyed inflorescence, consisting of flowers located above each other, the number of which can reach 14. Most often there are inflorescences of 5-7 flowers. The characteristic colors of petals - purple-red and purple-purple.

Flowers a dress in the first half of summer, pollined insects, which attracts the bright color of petals and nectar.

What kind of plant skare? 13687_2
Square tiled photo: Opioła Jerzy, Ru.Wikipedia.org

Most of the varieties of wild gladiolus are found in the Caucasus. Among them:

  • Square tiled;
  • Gladiolus Swamp;
  • Skat and sled.

The singularity of the squeaker of the Sulubbivo is that he prefers to grow on saline raw meadows and salt plans. It is peculiar and the appearance of the plant: it has an atypical for this kind of plants a short stem - up to 25 cm, a nasy shade of leaves and short inflorescences of 2-5 purple flowers. From all its relatives, this species is distinguished by drought-resistance and winter hardiness, which makes it quite valuable for decorative gardening in hot and arid regions.

Wild gladiolus are used in landscape design and decorative gardening. In addition, they are the basis for the removal of new cultural forms of plants. This plant is valuable for breeders make the wealth of forms and colors, good fitness to uncomfortable habitat, vitality. Due to the variety of the kind of "Skar" managed to bring a huge number of varieties of cultural hybrid gladiolus.

In natural nature, most of the whole races are found in South Africa. About 20 species are common in Europe and Asia. On the territory of Russia - 9. Representatives of these species are found in the Caucasus, from nearby states in Kazakhstan. Favorite places - thickets of shrubs, meadows, forests, subalpine mountainous terrain.

A shinker in nature is multiplied with seeds, as well as vegetatively, due to subsidiaries.

Agrotechnology of wild gladiolus is close to the technique of growing the usual garden forms of the plant. Therefore, with the help of these perennial colors, the landscape can be diversified by putting them either a mixture with cultural gladiolus, or a separate island.

Author - Ekaterina Majorova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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