Autumn pruning pears: a procedure that increases yield


    Good afternoon, my reader. Pears, like all fruit trees, need standard care. In addition to irrigation, soil loosening in a rolling circle and treating from diseases, pests, fruit culture requires competent trimming. This procedure conducted at the end of the season rejuvenates the tree and increases its yield.

    Autumn pruning pears: a procedure that increases yield 13607_1
    Autumn Pruning Pear: A procedure that increases the yield of Maria Verbilkova

    Regular trimming in the garden is necessary for the proper formation of the crown of each tree: neighboring plants should not shade each other. In addition, the removal of unnecessary shoots allows fruit culture to direct all its resources on the formation of fruits. In addition, the compact crown makes it easier to caring beyond the tree and harvest.

    This procedure can be carried out not only in the precondition period, but also in early spring, before the start of the deploration. Autumn trimming is primarily a sanitary event, during which you need to remove old, dry or damaged disease and pests. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the wolf growing inside the crowns and make it thick. They are necessarily subject to removal.

    Not all trees in the garden need this procedure. Young plants (especially recently planted) under 3 years old are not cut, if there is no sharp need. You can only delete broken or damaged by pests and illness.

    Getting Started, you need to provide yourself with high-quality (well sharpened and sound) tool:
    • Garden scissors (secateur);
    • hacksaws (big and small);
    • suchkoreau;
    • Garden knife.

    All tools must be clean and disinfected. In addition, you need to have an oil paint based on natural oil or garden var.

    During the autumn trimming on adult pears, the dry and damaged branches are removed. Then proceed to the shoots that grow strictly up (perpendicular to the soil). By making the crown too thick, they interfere with normal air circulation and consume the resources needed to form umbins and ripening fruit.

    Autumn pruning pears: a procedure that increases yield 13607_2
    Autumn Pruning Pear: A procedure that increases the yield of Maria Verbilkova

    At the same time, the branches are removed, not leaving the hemp. The location of the cut must be smooth, without burrs and damage to the fibers of wood. It is advisable to process it with a disinfectant and give to dry.

    After that, the location of the cut gently shrink the garden harder or paint the oil paint. Vegetable residues (trimming) are collected, drive out of the site and burned.

    Autumn event, which is carried out in 2-3 weeks before the onset of cold weather, is aimed at extending the life of the fruit garden. Thanks to the pruning, the yield of pear trees is significantly rising. In addition, it becomes much easier to care for trees with a compact crown.

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