Give the jandeard pigs and get a healthier meat!

Give the jandeard pigs and get a healthier meat! 13583_1

Scientists (Magdalena Schindler-Nendza, Magdalena Svindkevich, Lukash Migdal and Vladislav Migdal) published on the MDPI portal.

"There are three local pig breeds in Poland - the poultry, Zlotnitskaya White and Zlotnitsky spotted. The meat obtained from these animals is characterized by a high content of intramuscular fat and the desired color, a consistency and juiciness, which gives a higher culinary value than the pork mass production.

Although Zlotsky spotted pigs are distinguished by a slow growth rate, but they still deserve attention. Our comparative test confirmed the positive effect of traditional extensive fattening on the quality of meat of these pigs, although their weight gain was significantly lower compared to pigs intensively refilled in the room.

The popularity of this breed is growing in Poland, since the meat is characterized by a higher fat content, which plays the role of a carrier of taste and, indirectly, juits. Moreover, the growing system with traditional feeding and the addition of acorns can positively affect the quality of meat, its dietary value and, therefore, on the acceptability of the product by consumers.

Some consumers consider the traditional extensive pig-breeding system by synonymous with product quality, while intensive animal husbandry systems are criticized due to the deal in a fully isolated, unnatural environment.

An increasing number of consumers are willing to pay a premium price for pork products with animal well-being guarantees, in addition to the fact that meat from animal free walking has the best taste and nutritional value than the products produced in the traditional way.

This, obviously, opens niche markets for pork produced by naturally.

In the traditional pig system, it is refined to increase the skill and fat content, since the goal is not the amount of meat, but the quality and maturity of meat and fat. Another frequent component of traditional fattening is a wide variety of feed ingredients, for example, due to the inclusion in the diet of seasonal coarse feed (feed, silo or root crust).

One of the most famous breeds grown in the extensive system is the Iberian pig. They are fed with acorns, as well as animals I get access to the grass because you are on a free walking.

Unlike them, the enlightened spotted pigs practically do not have access to free walking and do not eat acorns.

"We decided to add acorns into the diet of local Polish pigs. Natives for Poland, oak species are the oak stuffy and rock oak, the introduced northern red oak is also common, which is planted in the forests and parks and often naturalize. In Polish conditions, oaks are fruit every 5-8 years. Justice ripen in September - October, after which falls.

Acorn is energy food rich in fats and carbohydrates, but it has a very low protein content, and its amino acid profile indicates that the lysine is the main limiting amino acid.

The content of tannins in the oak of the Polish oak can reach 7%, but their much greater amount is contained in the shell - 42.2 g / kg of dry matter. Tanines have a high antioxidant ability, however, binding to proteins reduces their digestibility.

Both the tocopherols and phenolic compounds demonstrate the greater ability to stimulate antioxidant activity and activity on the catch-up of free radicals with potential benefit to human health, especially contributing to the prevention of degenerative processes.

In addition, acorns comprise a high concentration of monohenaturated fatty acids, especially oleic and linoleic acids. The content of fatty acids in the acorns affects the quality of meat and meat products from pigs, which are fed in this way during the last phase of fattening.

Finally, studies are known in which it is shown that acorns, which are fastened during the last phase of fattening, reduce the amount of gastrointestinal nematodes and, thus, reduce the need for pig degelminting.

The study was attended by 13 feeding pigs of the Zlotodsky spotted rock grown on two farms in different fattening systems. All animals originate from farms included in the program of preserving genetic resources of this breed.

On the first farm of animals, the animals were abandoned for 9 months in intensive conditions (control group), without access to the street, until the mass of body is 100 kg. Animals were fed by Ad Libitum with a full-fledged diet, compiled to meet nutrient requirements for pig-manufacturers (from 30 to 80 kg of body weight) and feeding pigs (from 80 to 100 kg of body weight). The stern mixture consisted of wheat, corn, soy meal extract, rapeseed cake, raised sunflower seeds, wheat bran and mineral / vitamin supplements. The diet contained 170-162 g / kg of crude protein, 13.5-13 megalules metabolized energy (MJ ME), 1.1-0.93% lysine, 46-56 g / kg fat, 50-48 g / kg of crude fiber and 59% of carbohydrates (NFE).

In the second farm, seven pigs were kept under extensive walking conditions (experienced group) and refused until 12 months of age. Animals fed a feed for 2 kg per head per day, and they had access to rough feeds in the form of a silo from grass and whole grain corn, as well as hay.

The stern mixture consisted of barley (23%), wheat (23%), oats (23%), corn (10%) and a mixture of black cumin, mustard, flaxseed and rape (21%). This diet contained 150 g / kg of crude protein, 44 g / kg of fat, 13 MJ MJ, 51 g / kg of crude fiber and 639.8 g / kg NFE. Over the past 2 months, the fattening in the diet added acorns (whole fruits) in an amount of 5%. Acorns were collected from a cherished and rock oak.

Acorns contained 68.50% dry substance, 3.62% protein, 3.45% fat, 1.22% ash, 1.82% of fiber and 54.99% NFE.

For the purposes of this study, we contained pigs in intensive conditions compared with the mode of extensive feeding. Upon reaching the appointed age or body weight (depending on the type of fattening), all animals were scored on a specialized life and studied meat characteristics.

According to the results, it turned out that the meat of pigs on the free wagging, fed by silos and small amounts of acorns, was characterized by a higher fat content, which acts as a carrier of aroma and juits, as well as a higher content of mono-saturated fatty acids and lower atherogenicity, thrombogenicity and peroxidation lipids.

It can be said that the quality of the meat of the local breed of pigs largely depends on the conditions of detention and method of feeding. Conclusion: Auspicious effect on the quality of meat and its dietary value, as well as its propensity to ferry, can be obtained when feeding pigs with rude feed and adding acorns. "


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