State intervention for rent housing may result in flights to apartments, deficit and corruption, believes an expert


The unified regional operator for the construction and operation of hired houses proposed to create the Senator Arkady Chernetsky, the first deputy chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on the Federal Devolution. In his opinion, this unified operator could receive benefits in the allocation of land plots for the construction of non-profit rental houses. Also Chernetsky believes that the creation of hired houses through a similar organization will make it possible to build rental housing cheaper. In turn, the unified operator will be easier to receive loans in banks due to the participation of the state. Experts criticized such proposals.

"Senator wants the land for the construction of rental houses of the State Corporation on preferential terms and will build it, apparently, too, for sidengi. It makes sense in one case - if rental rates in such houses will (for example) be half below the market, but then the queue is formed (as for free housing), and with it deficiency and corruption. If you just repente real estate on the market and renting, as the "house. RF" does now, is a competition with the market for state (cheap!) Money. The developers do not have such an opportunity like "House. RF" - take 20-30 billion in the budget, buy apartments on Arbat and retrieve profits from them. Why is the "coordinating authority"? You do not have a desire to create an organ coordinating sausage sales? Now builders are building at home, people buy apartments in them and many are renting. Ideas "to whitewash the market" - not losing. Just so that citizens stop bringing thousands (on taxes), it is necessary that the officials cease to toss billions, "Dmitry Sinkin believes, the NSP chef.

As the Roman Babichev believes, the head of the Department of Real Estate Agency "Azbuka Housing", two events could lead to conversations: either the concept of "House.rf" on rental housing did not work, or, most likely, as analyst notes , He will make this regulator.

"Prospects to whitewash the rental market is, but the implementation mechanism should be different. We are talking about low-income citizens, although "House.rf" has no apartments for rent below 45 thousand rubles per month. Develop rental housing for the budget segment is unprofitable for the state. If you do, the way, as a social project to which money will be distinguished from the country's budget, and will not talk about profits. Organizations that are now engaged in the market by the market do not quite understand how the rental market works. Everything can be done, but together with those who live in this market, that is, with real estate agencies. Independently, the state will not be able to fulfill it, "Babichev believes.

"Rental accommodation from" House.rf "is a different segment. It is quite expensive. Kom.rf and the project "Housing and the City Wednesday" are simply different purposes, and, accordingly, different segments. The goal "House.rf" is a commercial hiring, the goal of the National Project is an affordable accommodation for those who cannot afford to buy an apartment. At the moment, there is no single institution of social hiring. There are only single apartments, not whole houses managed by the municipality. It is logical that, for the implementation of the National Project, the state should provide the possibility of building such houses, "comments Maria Zhukov, managing director of Miel offices.

According to the expert, there are many options for this how to do it. One of them is to allocate loans for construction at a preferential rate for companies - developers / rental operators. Citizens living in such houses, as Zhukov notes, obviously, must pay utility payments plus rental payment less than the market. If the lease will be high, citizens simply can not afford it.

"Apartments in such houses are a returnable residential foundation, that is, apartments without transporting property. This is the sphere of the public-private partnership, which must be developed, "adds the managing director of Miel offices.

State intervention for rent housing may result in flights to apartments, deficit and corruption, believes an expert 13564_1
State intervention for rent housing may result in flights to apartments, deficit and corruption, believes an expert

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