The consequences of the assault capitol weakened the democratic image of the United States

The consequences of the assault capitol weakened the democratic image of the United States 13535_1

In just a couple of hours after the performance of Byyden in the State Department, his supporters-Democrats in the Congress brought abacus the counterparts of the President of the Republican Marjori Taylor Green. She was deprived of posts in the two committees of the House of Representatives for accuses Baiden in corruption and achieves his impeachment. Does Washington have after that the right to indicate others how to behave?

The Administration of Byyden, three main tools of foreign policy - economics, military segment and standards of American democracy. January events and consequences of the assault capitol weakened the last tool.

At the official summary of the Ministry of Justice of the United States, at least 200 people accuse the Capitol storming, 135 were arrested. Senate's Special Commissioner said that it was necessary to begin the proceedings on the influence of other countries for involvement in the unrest in Washington. Facebook provides FBI IP addresses and correspondence of the alleged participants in the Capitol. Messenger Parler, who is used by Trump's supporters, dismissed his general director, who sought to restore the work of the platform for activists.

The Pittsburgh TV channel said that the FBI conducted searches in the house of a large mother, which is considered to be the coordinator of the riots. NBC reports that the policeman who shot the unarmed woman in the Capitol, most likely, the prosecutor's office will not charge.

Against the background of all these events, surveys show that 64% of Republican voters would join the new Party of Trump even after the events of the Capitol. And theoretically, the researchers say if this happens, the tramps will become the second largest party, overtaking Republicans. At the same time, the flow of news from the United States on criminal cases after the Capitol, locks in the networks of Trump supporters and the acute phase of the internal political struggle already enters the international arena.

The new US Secretary of State, Blinken more than once mention that Washington watches protests in Russia and negatively assesses the actions of the security forces. Moscow meets him the same. The dispute about the standards of democracy, freedom of speech and a proportionate level of action of the security forces is clear. But now Macron joined him, who managed to criticize the actions and actions of Moscow on the eve, and make a lunge towards Washington. The blocking of political opponents in American social networks, meaning the locking of Trump with the silent approval of the administration of Byjden, Macron called "new violence in democracies."

We asked two Russian experts from the Russian Council on International Affairs and Higher School of Economics, what to wait next.

Dmitry Suslov, Deputy Director of the Center for Complex European Studies HSE: "It's not by chance immediately after the assault on Capitol and Nancy Ploshi, and Hillary Clinton declared the need to investigate the Communication Trump with Putin. It is necessary in order to represent Russia as an external cartridge and the patron of those who are named in the United States internal enemies of American democracy. "

Andrei Kortunov, Director General of the Russian Council on International Affairs: "If such troubles occur within the United States, Washington is more difficult to teach other countries to the principles of democracy and its standards. Therefore, there is an opportunity for opponents of the United States to question the statements that are made and which will be made by the Administration by Bayden regarding the role of the United States as a global leader of democracy. "

These are two opinions of leading Russian experts on how the consequences of the care of the Capitol in the global discussion of the main players can turn.

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