Air is stronger than the lying or standing?

Air is stronger than the lying or standing? 13502_1

On Earth, the air surrounds us everywhere, and the fact that he has a certain weight, has long been a secret. After all, gravitational power affects the atmosphere. But an interesting question arises: does the air pressure depends on the position that the person occupies? It would seem, standing straight, we present a smaller area of ​​the support.

Pressure tel, gases and liquids

You can understand this issue only by studying the nuances of the pressure, which occurs in solids, gases and liquids. The force that the body has on a different solid surface depends on the weight of this body, as well as the surface area. For example, on this principle is based on skiing.

With a walk through the thick layer of snow, the legs are deeply falling at every step. A large surface area of ​​skis allows you to slide through the snow. Thus, for solid blood pressure is the ratio of strength to the surface area, provided that the force affects the perpendicular to this surface.

Air is stronger than the lying or standing? 13502_2
Pressure transfer

Pressure in liquids and gases is subjected to several other rules. Molecules are in chaotic movement. If you put a liquid or gas into some container, thereby limiting the movement of molecules, they will start hitting the wall and create pressure. Reducing the size of the container with the same amount of gas will result in pressure growth.

The liquid differs only in the fact that there is less between its molecules. Therefore, with an equal volume, the mass of the liquid will be higher. Take as an example of a pillar of water to which the force of attraction acts. We divide it into several small layers. It turns out that the topmost layer presses on all the lower, etc. The greatest pressure is observed at the bottom of the post.

Such pressure is called hydrostatic. It is characteristic not only for liquids, but also gases. For example, the thickness of the atmosphere affects the surface of the Earth. It is important to remember that the pressure in liquids and gases consists of hydrostatic and external (they usually acts atmospheric pressure). According to the law of Pascal, the external pressure is equally affected by a substance at any point.

Air is stronger than the lying or standing?

The rules of pressure of solids in this case are not applicable, as we are dealing with air - that is, a mixture of gases. This means that the support area (horizontal or vertical position) does not matter. The pressure will depend only from depth. And at sea level, the air presses on each skin centimeter with a force of 1 kg.

Air is stronger than the lying or standing? 13502_3
Pressure dependence on height

The lying or worthless person does not matter even because human growth is too small compared to the thickness of the atmosphere. Also, the body fabrics have equal to the opposition to this pressure.

Interesting fact: the laws of fluid pressure act for the human body. If you take a vertical position, the blood pressure in the legs will be slightly higher than in the head, since the blood pole has a certain weight. Channels: Subscribe, put heart, leave comments!

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