More than 2 million people will receive $ 140 for slowing the iPhone


In all his long-term history, Apple has chosen countless times, but the case called BatteryGate, rightfully occupies the first place. Despite the fact that the company's intentions were good and she wanted to get rid of the iPhone reboots with worn batteries, the very fact of their slowdown. Users perceived unequivocally negatively. As a result, Apple has become a defendant of a multitude of court proceedings, almost in each of which it was recognized as guilty. But will something ordinary users get from this?

More than 2 million people will receive $ 140 for slowing the iPhone 13441_1
Apple has to pay more than 300 million dollars in the case of a slowing down iPhone, and this is only in the US

Apple says it is impossible, and the startup from the United States began to change airpods batteries

The first time was reported that each user of the iPhone from the USA, who confirms that became a victim of a slowdown, will receive $ 25. The amount, frank, is small, but also to make it necessary to get a little. Just needed that being the owner of the iPhone, starting with the iPhone 6 model, and install iOS 10.2.1 (for iPhone 6 / 6S) and iOS 11.2 (for iPhone 7) no later than December 21, 2017. However, the total number of those who suffered from BatteryGate turned out to be less, because of which the amount of compensation pays increased.

Who will receive money for slowing the iPhone

More than 2 million people will receive $ 140 for slowing the iPhone 13441_2
If you have iPhone 6, 6s or 7, you can claim payments

According to Forbes, Apple allocated on compensation in the case of a slowdown in an iPhone at least $ 310 million against those planned earlier than 500 million. However, this, apparently, will be more than enough. From this "bank" will receive payments to users who are suitable for the requirements put forward by the court. The fact is that if you have established an update later than the stated term, you can't qualify for compensation, since at that time the problem has already been widely covered in the media, and therefore slowdown has not been secret.

Bought a new iPhone 7 - after a year, the battery capacity fell below 70%. What happened?

The total number of applicants for payment amounted to about 3.5 million. However, more than one million applications were rejected due to non-compliance with the requirements. Therefore, the final number of victims will be 2 268 860. Not so much, but it is obvious that some of the users who declared the payment simply did not come across the criterion, and some of those who really suffered simply did not do this. As a result, the individual compensation size will be even more mentioned earlier than 25 dollars. After all, if we divide the selected Apple amount on the number of applicants, we will get about $ 140.

How to get from Apple money for slowing the iPhone

More than 2 million people will receive $ 140 for slowing the iPhone 13441_3
If everything is counted correctly, every victim is due to $ 140.

Obviously, neither you nor I can get these payments for one simple reason: for this you need to be a citizen or legally live in the United States, because the decision of the American Court does not apply beyond the country. But even if you are related to American Earth, it is already late to submit any applications due to the expiration of their reception, although this existed a special form that it was necessary to fill in this link. It was necessary to do until October 6, 2020 inclusive.

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As for users from Russia, we are with you, unfortunately, no payments shine. At least for now. The fact is that we have, as far as I know, no one collective claims from BatteryGate submitted, unlike France, Italy, Brazil and other countries. Accordingly, it is clearly not worth counting on anything here. Another thing is that the statute of limitations in this case has not yet been released, and we have the opportunity to go to court to LLC EPL RUS, because it represents the interests of Apple Inc. in Russia, demanding compensation for a slowdown.

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