
Shopaholic 13215_1

I am ready to tell you the terrible truth about the shopaholic men ...

I do not know who came up with the city legend about female shopaholics, which in any store lose the will. According to my (short, truth), the sample is not visible. On the contrary, I am ready to tell you the terrible truth about the shopogoliki men. When my dad goes behind the products, its shopping method resembles a carpet bombardment. Even during the Soviet deficit, he managed to buy a floor store. I remember from childhood, with what anxiety mom on such days was waiting for him by the window.

- Well, so I knew, again!

My brother and I fled to watch.

On the street there was a living illustration from the Mayakovsky poem about Petya: "Myself who myself was worn under the evening to the house with difficulty, and behind the dad, each other, one hundred baskets carries a servant."

Only for the exception that we have no servants, of course, was not, and hundreds of baskets too dad. Five minutes later, the entrance was the day in the hallway.

- Vita, why did you buy this mop?! - Mom exclaimed.

Mom can be understood. She just makes purchases with an accuracy of a jeweler. She has all the moves recorded, and, if a list of ten points, then no eleventh heresy turns there.

- Vita, you will not.

Vitenka really regain. Because it is not a fault, but a generic curse. The same was the grandfather. Grandfather went to the store with Avoska. All saleswomen loved him in the district. He did not offend anyone, even a haberdashery, which was understood bad. From his listing, it was always something franto. Once from his lobster branded mop.

- Fedenka, why did you buy this mop?! - exclaimed grandmother.

- You understand, we have a long mezzanine, and the old mop is short - it does not get to my boots.

That is why my father then dragged this ill-fated mops. This is our family unclosed gestalt on the male line. My wife will give aide to my mom in terms of shopping. This is a pure sniper. Once she went to milk package and returned with milk package. And I...

Once I returned from the store with three bags. I did not even save the fact that the other five bags I was hidden in the interhelsk hall.

- Olezhnyka, why did you buy this mop?! - Wife exclaimed. I opened my mouth. - We even have no mezzanine!

At one time, my mother prudently told the daughter-in-law of an ominous legend of our family.

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