The adventures of Italians on the Russian theater scene: 7 important performances

The adventures of Italians on the Russian theater scene: 7 important performances 13181_1
The adventures of Italians in the Russian Theater Scene: 7 important performances Anastasia Ageev

Despite the differences in climate and mentality, Russians and Italians always treated each other with warmth. The contingency longing of our compatriots on the Sun Apennine and its famous dishes. Time Out chose seven performances in Italian works, which can be viewed in anticipation of open borders.

Woman Snake

Where: Theater on the Small Bronnaya

When: March 18


It is difficult to imagine that Carlo Gotszi's fairy tale about a beautiful prince, enchanted princess and monsters with growing limbs may be equally interesting and children, and adults. However, the director Oleg Valley managed to put this particular performance. To do this, he chose the stylistry of the Italian comedy of Maskov del Arte and made the reception open - built another scene, and the actors do not hide the actors that they play a role. Instead of insecious stage mechanisms, decorations from papier-mâché, instead of huge fans - fan and "manually" fluttering dress. The charming buffonade will deliver the audience with topical jokes and warm up the sensation of magic.

Servant of two gentlemen

Where: Small Theater

When: 3, March 18


Italian director Stefano de Luke in the Small Theater constantly puts - and only Italian plays. One of them is the comedy Carlo Goldoni "servant of two gentlemen." Stefano de Luka himself, being a disciple of George Agamer, supports many years in the repertoire of the Milan Piccolo Theater, the famous statement of his teacher on the same play, but the Moscow performance did not become her repetition. The director retained the reception of the "Theater in the theater," but refused masks, so the actors are glad to use not only plastic, but also the facial expressions. And their roles are characteristic - silly, but the resourceful servant, helpful and escaped owner of the hotel, a stingy merchant and brave in love.

It's so (if it seems so)

Where: Et Cetera Theater

When: February 25, 4, March 28


Three came to a small town: a man and two women, one of which never appears in the public. Movable curiosity, local trying to find out the truth. But life and illusion woven in such a dense ball, which it is impossible to unravel it.

Greece, Japan and the Netherlands:

Theater journey: 9 performances from different countries

The merger of life and theater is the favorite plot of the Sicilian playwright, the Nobel laureate Luigi Pilandello. Therefore, the performance on his play, delivered by Adolf Shapiro, through theatrian: Black and white scenery, costumes and wigs, invented by the artist Maria Tregubovova, emphasized the game, ironic existence of artists and communication with the hall. In the world of disinformation and fake news, it remains only to take the illusion of their being - and enjoy the game.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday

Where: theater them. Vakhtangov

When: March 8


Comedy Eduardo de Filippo on paper may seem simple and infertility, but in good stage performance they are filled with life. True, for this artists need a burning Italian temperament or the ability to play it. Wahtangovs will cope with this task and clearly enjoy the grotesque fireworks of the emotions, which are endowed with the characters of the Neapolitan playwright. In this big family, there is enough place for everyone: the sister's permanently concerned about the health of the son, passionately in love with the brother, who wishes the independence of the Son. And yet in the center of history - spouses, who for many years of marriage did not lose his feelings to each other. They play the stars of the Vakhtangovo troupe - Irina Kompanko and Evgeny Knyazev.

Smith & Veston

Where: Community Stage

When: March 21


Our contemporary Alessandro Baricko is known to the world as the author of the novels "Silk" and "1900. The legend of the pianist ", for which films of the same name were removed. This play, although the Smith & Wesson is named, does not have a relation to the famous revolver. Such surnames wear two characters who are taken to help a young journalist who decided to glorify the jump from the Niagara Falls. This is a story about choosing. Here, everything is as in life - some prefer to sail downstream, while others are willing to risk and step into the abyss.

Decameron. Love during the plague

Where: Et Cetera Theater

When: March 8


With the arrival of a pandemic, many remembered Boccaccio and his collection of Novel. They are told by the story of the young men and girls who escaped from Florence in an attempt to escape from the plague. However, this performance director Alexander Morphov created long before the current events. For its production, he chose a few novel: some are comic stories, other tragic, alone are taken from Boccaccio, others are reasonable. Sometimes the writer himself, which causes the viewer to the dialogue itself. Here the beauty, humor, romance and joy of life are combined - just as in sunny Italy.


Where: Theater.doc.

When: 15, March 23


Photo: Mikhail Bracilo

Nobel Laureate, Dario Dario Fo, constructed a fantastic situation. In his work, during the visit, Silvio Berlusconi to Russia takes place terrorist attack, and both heads of state are fatally injured. In order to save Vladimir Putin, he is transplanted by the right hemisphere of the Italian prime minister, but wokeering does not remember anything from the past life. Here, Lyudmila Putin is called to the aid, which should introduce a spouse into the case.

Staging a barbarian Faer in the theater.doc, adapted by the director to Russian realities, eight years ago, made a lot of noise. She was played on pure during the "occupy Abai", prohibited to show in St. Petersburg, but the satirical performance and in 2020 collects the full halls, in many respects, alas, remaining relevant.

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