Drink "Sellers" from the threshold! In Lida and Grodno, a wave of deception: fraudsters propose to buy gas analyzers at a well-known price


Every morning, leaving for a job, Natalia once again reminded the elderly mother: not to open the door to anyone, no offer to be subscribed, "cheap" dishes do not buy ... just like a child. And do not think, my mother did not survive from the mind. She is only 68. Just ... fraudulent schemes so much! And the elderly fool is easier than simple.

Gotov, Leninsky, Forest

In the morning, the daughter warned, and by the evening mom forgot. In one day, an elderly woman met Natalia news: today they checked gas ...

- They said, you need to install a gas analyzer. This is some kind of new indication. If you do not install, fly away. The device will control the leakage of the gas, the mother spoke lively. - You know, such a cute young man. Everything explained in detail and the Council gave. And this device (gas analyzer) I bought at a discount, especially for pensioners.

Large work was worth Natalia to convince Mama that she was deceived that it was not known whether they need this device at all, and what he was ten times cheaper. Alas, it did not cost without tears. An elderly woman could not understand how it happened. But Moscow does not believe in tears. Quote from a popular television film today is relevant than ever, writes lidanelews.by.

The case, alas, is far from the only one: during February alone, the whole wave of deception rolled the Lida. People call each day every day: "Write! Tell me! Let others know! "

So, in one day, an employee of a certain organization went home in the private sector of the Sloboda microdistrict, along the street of Govalov. He was on Leninsky Street, 17a. One of the residents of the house told: "A man came to the apartment, the door opened his father. He told everything so smoothly, vital: that the danger of gas leakage exists that older people may forget, leave the gas included and that the cost of the analyzer for the action, for pensioners, only 180 rubles ... I left the room and hurried to interrupt his story: "No no , we will not take. " But the young man stood on his own: "You will listen to me ..." Documents showed and about another device said: "smart", remote, which is worth a thousand rubles. By the way, I alarmed me the fact that he mistakenly called CO2 (instead of CO).

In the same entrance, a person visited several apartments. In one of them, on the ninth floor, they bought the device. And on the first - they were driven out. After a couple of hours, an elderly man who bought the device came to his senses, wanted to return money.

The next day, Ivan Vaclavovich Waterlyko called Ivan Vaclavovich Waterlyko called from the microdistrict. He said that some man walks along Forest Street, offers residents of gas analyzers for 190 rubles, pensioners alleged discount. "I called the fire station," says Ivan Vatslavovich. - The devices are worth 24 rubles 50 kopecks. They said in no case will not be conducted on the proposals. "

Five steps to the client

The history of deception in early mouth we heard from our acquaintance and colleagues Alexander Plescachev. An employee of a certain company came home to his mom. Alexander at that time was also from her.

"Coincidence or not, but that day I wrote in the social network the post of cases of deception with gas analyzers," says Alexander. - And then the door was called. I thought: a neighbor came (they spoke with her mother in such a friendly tone, like familiar people). I did not suspect anything strange. And after some time, my mother comes to me: "Here, the analyzer bought ..."

A document was left to the device, and the address of the company was specified. At this address Alexander and went to return the analyzer and mother's money. As it turned out, he was previously brought in this office.

- A few days before what happened, during the preparation of the material, the guy called me and told me that he was invited to work to a firm that sells analyzers. We met him and went to the interview together. Something from the heard I recorded on the video.

Firm staff are a kind of study, or instructing. For example, in working with customers it is recommended to apply the principle of five steps. One of these steps is to become a pleasant interlocutor. What all sacrifices say: a firm employee enters trust, and people lose vigilance.

However, back to our colleague. He was again in the same office, saw the same employee at the table. "I won't refund money without a boss," she said. - It will not be. Come after the weekend. " Without going into details, let's just say that our friend has arguments, and they returned to him quickly, a couple of days later.

List such facts that took place in Lida can be infinite. During the preparation of the material, we were again called and told that "Flashegazoviki" were on Kirov Street, 5a, Schubin Street, 2a.

- Two women went: alone in a chic fur coat, the second is completely young (maybe, daughter, and maybe in the trainee), "the callers told the callers. - Prices for analyzers called different: a pensioner-disabled person - 152 rubles (discount), another pensioner - 200.

Drink "Sellers" from the threshold!

The activation of "sellers" of gas analyzers are concerned about both PU "Lidagaz".

- Our employees, as a rule, the on the eve of the maintenance of gas equipment warn the tenants: hang ads at the entrance, call the owners. Unfortunately, sometimes we call, and we answer: "Checking" have already come - we will no longer let you "," says the master of the domestic gas-grade equipment Svetlana Maksimov. - Some entrepreneurs who act on behalf of companies that have the words "gas", "control" or "security" in their names are really intensified in our city, and offer to acquire the so-called "gas detectors" cost from 300 to 400 rubles. We declare: PU "Lidagaz" for the actions of these people does not have any relationship! We do not cooperate with them in any way. Signaling devices for natural, liquefied and carbon monoxide, depending on the manufacturer and configuration, stand in a trading network from 60 to 80 rubles. The installation of tanning signaling devices or carbon monoxide sensors is not always required, but only in cases of primary gasification or the reconstruction of the system of gas consumption of single-headed, blocked and apartment buildings. All the necessary information you can get in PU "Lidagaz" by phone: 696136, 696183, 696105.

According to the same phones, Svetlana Maksimova advises to call in the event that suspicious "checking" came to you and offer their products or services.

How to distinguish falsegazovikov from these Lidagaz employees?

At the employee PU "Lidagaz" - overalls with the logo of the enterprise. He has a service certificate with the seal of the organization. With you - a badge with the QR code of the organization. If a state-owned gas supply officer provides you with paid services, it will provide you with the act of work performed with a signature or a copy of the KV-1 receipt. Threads for the absence of a gas delayer, he will not scare you: the installation of devices is a recommendation.


The readers of NewGrodno.by were reported on apartments, people walk and sell gas analyzers: "For us after the new year, 3 times different people were knocked out. This is the district of Pushkin and the Dovator. The Grodno portals had an article about such. Maybe the Grodnots warn again. And last year the invasion of them was with gas, and with detectors, and plumbing. "

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