Why should you know me: Sommelier Restaurant Hands Dmitry Lyubachuk

Why should you know me: Sommelier Restaurant Hands Dmitry Lyubachuk 13080_1

I was born in the city of Makeyevka near Donetsk, but I consider myself a native inquiryon, because all my ancestors (in the fifth generation) from there.

By education, I am an engineer in the field of telecommunications, because my father worked in this area. Then I did not know how I would do. But when he studied at the third year, in the summer he went to work by bartender. He tagitizes - I liked to communicate with people, learn something new. After all, being a bartender is like being a doctor or a psychologist, read the mood of the guest and try to help him.

At first I worked as a bartender in the restaurant. They also became a bar manager, and then assistant director. Later went to the Crimea, where I also managed to work a bartender, but there I didn't really like the service, so I was delayed for a while.

At first I returned to Donetsk, but still I realized that you need to leave somewhere else. Then I chose between Kiev and Moscow, but I realized that Moscow was closer to me.

In Moscow, I immediately went to work as a waiter, because these are tips - quick money. My former manager had a bar on Michurinsky Avenue, where I settled.

Then, I worked for two years in his steak house "Fish No" Arkady Novikova, there was a closer acquaintance with wine. Of course, while I worked as a bartender, I began to study something, I was wondering, but then it was very superficially. After I settled in the Blush wine bar at Sukharevskaya, in the Daev Lane, where he worked for two and a half years. I came there a waiter, but I was offered to undergo training at the School of Wine "Enotria", of course, I agreed. It was interesting, but not easy. I studied at the evening course, in general, he does not differ from the professional, except that you learn three days a week, and not five. I worked on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, and I studied on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I woke up in the morning, I sat down for textbooks and went to study in the evening. It was really cool, all four months. I would even repeat! Such a number of tastings, an abundance of information. I systematized and deepened the knowledge that were, and received new ones. After the end of the courses, I realized that it was just a foundation (so we spoke at school), and then you already choose your vector and you begin to go along it.

There are different sommeliers. There are those who participate in contests, they admire them. There is a sommelier that understand the cigars in the port, depends on the direction. Someone else dismantled in the wines of France, someone - in the wines of Italy. Generally a sommelier is a tastor. You can be a sommelier in meat, you can be a sommelier in perfumery. For myself, I chose the vector when I realized that I knew the domestic wines well from a practical point of view.

By the way, about our wines: Soon we will do dinner in Hands with Gunko Winery, this is the winemaker Sergey Korotkov. I really like their Chardonnay - it is elegant and deep. From the first notes it seems that it is simple, but it is worth listening to him. Also everyone is delighted with his Sauvignon Blanov. In general, people's opinions were divided: 75% Topit for Sauvignon, 25% - for Chardonnay, but I stubbornly continue to repeat what I need to take Chardonon, it is more interesting. These wines fell into the ranking of The Wine Advocate, and one score was more given for Chardonna.

More cool wines make Alexey Chernega and Vitaly Marinchuk, they have great orange. What they did with Muscat, Cocury, the Assembly Muscat Rkaziteli is a gun. This is what, it seems to me that the beginning of russian wines to a new level before pandemic and closed borders. You can safely offer people these wines and surprise them. They have some kind of identity, history. These are the wines that you try and understand that you are ready to pay money for them. Sometimes you say: "One and a half thousand rubles a bottle," and you are in thought, and here you do not even have doubts. I'm already silent about top things. I do not know, you heard or not, but in 2019, Sergei Unreasted Cabernet Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2015 received the title of best red wine wines at the Lion Golitsyn's international wine competition. This is the Stylistics of Tuscany. I am ready to pay 6 thousand for him, 7 thousand, but I have no anywhere. When they said that this is the best wine, it immediately ended.

It turns out that my career sommelier began with Blush. But I worked there not only a sommelier. I began to engage in a wine card, and then I was offered to take the position of the manager. And managerial management took me a lot of time. I managed to engage in card, and dinners, and tastings, but less than I would like. And when I realized that I could try something new, I received several proposals for the position of Managing Sommelier.

I made a choice in favor of the Hands restaurant. Despite the fact that he recently recently opened, there is already its own audience. And for half a year he became popular.

Developing the idea of ​​how to attract people and how to interest them, I broke the wine card for the seasons. This is a map in which there is winter, spring, summer and autumn. And the wines correspond to the stylistry. That is, winter wines are more dense, mineral, floral appear in the spring. There is a cool spring. Summer - lungs, playful. Autumn - Pinot Noir and Orange Wines, so that there is a feeling, as if in the forest leave. We chose wines, pushing out from it. There are American wines, there are Argentine, Australian, German, Austrian, etc. I began to feel in a new way to feel Austria, Germany, still undervalued, it seems to me. Now we have 15 suppliers, and I have a space for maneuver. I ask them to surprise me, they surprise me. In our wine card 80 positions of the wines, and I want them all worked.

Now I am 27 years old, and I would like to continue to implement my ideas in parallel with the founder of Hands Vyacheslav Cossack.

I would definitely want to open my project, but while I am gaining experience and see how it should work correctly.

Photo: Granted by the press service of the restaurant Hands

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