The date of the meeting Putin and Zaparov became known

The date of the meeting Putin and Zaparov became known 1302_1
The date of the meeting Putin and Zaparov became known

It became known when President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov arrives in Russia. The date of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed the Kremlin's press service, reporting the details of the agenda of the future visit.

"For the twenty-four of February, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will be held in Moscow with President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Zaparov, who will be in Russia with a visit," the announcement of the press service of the Russian leader, published on February 20, says.

According to the Kremlin, the topic of negotiations will be the state and prospects for the further development of Russian-Kyrgyz cooperation in political, trade and economic and cultural and humanitarian regions. In addition, the parties plan to discuss interaction within the framework of integration associations in the Eurasian space.

In turn, the press service of the Kyrgyz leader was noted that the visit would last two days, and besides Putin, Zaparov will meet with the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishoustin, the Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. Also on the agenda Zaparov meeting with the business community of Russia, compatriots and Kyrgyz students who study in Russian universities.

Recall, on the eve of the head of the republic published an article on relations with Russia, which revealed the importance of "allied UZ" of Kyrgyzstan and Russia. "We are convinced that there is no alternative to strengthening cooperation, and the key place is given in the foreign policy of the republic," he noted, expressing confidence that his upcoming visit would contribute to the "development of cooperation in all areas of mutual interest."

The Government of Kyrgyzstan earlier noted that the value of Russian gas will be a priority topic. According to the Kyrgyz side, compared to other EAEU countries, it is supplied to the republic at an inflated price. According to the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Ruslana Kazakbayeva, the topic of discussion may also be issues of economics, agriculture, creating favorable conditions for mutual trade, the implementation of joint projects in the fields of energy, subsoil use and industrial cooperation.

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