How to teach a child to keep Bengal lights (and other receptions of New Year's safety)

How to teach a child to keep Bengal lights (and other receptions of New Year's safety) 12969_1

Take care of yourself and children

Ahead of us will be waiting for the main event of winter - a meeting of the New Year and Christmas. On the eve of holidays, it is worth thinking not only about gifts, outfits and menus, but also about how to make these days as safe as possible for children. We asked Keepabeat first aid instructors to give several tips to parents.

Prevention of burns: how to use Bengal lights, fireworks and where to put the Christmas tree

According to statistics, the most common type of injury in our country is burns. The first aid instructors from the Keepabeat center give the following recommendations for the prevention of similar injuries during the celebration of the New Year: "In order for the baby to do not bother about the Bengal fire, stick it to the carrot - the baby will be much more convenient to keep the object thicker than a thin wand, but flying off fire sparkle Do not frighten the child. Do not forget to dip the burnt Bengal fire in a glass with water and show the baby that it is necessary to do. The wand can be still hot and burn or spoil the interior if the child will put it on some surface. "

If you want to use flapper and fireworks on the street, then instructors advise to show children in advance how these items are arranged, where they can be touched, and where it is impossible: "It will be much more efficient than shouts" do not touch, there is hot "already in the heat of the holiday!". We also remind you that only branded flacculations need to choose - it is better to buy them in specialized stores. In Russia, Petardes are often sold at the entrance to the subway, in private tents, but the likelihood of buying-quality goods are great in such places.

Going home can occur from the Christmas tree. So that this does not happen, instructors advise, first, buy a fire extinguisher home under the Christmas tree, and even two: one - under the Christmas tree, the other - to the kitchen. The fire extinguisher can be found in large stores such as Ashan in the department of goods for cars or in the department of household goods. And here are some more fire-fighting christmas lifhacks:

Put the Christmas tree at a distance from batteries and radiators

Check the serviceability of the garlands - wires must be integer, without breaks and broken light bulbs

Make sure the garlands do not touch the flammable decor of paper and fabric

Live Christmas tree water daily. The dried trees are faster than paper!

Turn off the garlands overnight and when you leave home.

Of course, other dangers come from the Christmas tree at home: if it is poorly fixed, it can fall on a child or a child can be lit, breaking the glass toy, - so if you have very little children in your house, think up in advance the fencing for the Christmas tree (about the ways of fencing for Toddler wrote in detail in this material).

Is your apartment safe?

Well, finally, I would also like to say that the preparation for the new year is a good reason to check how much your apartment is safe for the child. From everything, of course, they will not be rebounded, but once again see whether all the cabinets are well fixed at home, whether the blocks are put on the windows, whether there are special stickers on sharp corners of the furniture, whether the drugs and household chemicals are removed from children - This is what's in our hands. Having made an apartment as safe as possible, you will better spend not only winter holidays, but also all 2021.

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