Persise FakeCheck: Does Plus affect the prices of taxi "Yandex" and where cachek birches


In the discussion, which began from the post on VC.RU, the former journalists of the Vedomosti disassemble.

Persise FakeCheck: Does Plus affect the prices of taxi

In two words and in simple

Yandex does not oversee the prices for the Plus subscribers, but cachek from it does not look like the same-name bank programs where real money returns you. Based on the documents published by the Yandex, a subscription to Plus is an opportunity for a fee to receive a discount on different services, including discounts on a taxi. Yes, taxis discounts are given including at the expense of taxi drivers and taksoparkov, but do not rush to consider them victims.

More details

The site of published posting "Yandex.Plus" Anton Subbotin, in which he doubts the honesty of the cachek program from taxi travel. Subbotin is worried that the "Plus" subscribers can pay more taxis than regular customers. All allegedly due to the rules of the cachek program, obliging throwing 10% on top. It was joined with specific examples and other Yandex clients. Some of them, like the author of the post, are experiencing that Cashbek fully pays for a taxi driver. Because of this, drivers can negatively refer to passengers with a loyalty program.

In fact, the "plus" subscriber does not pay cachek over the cost of the trip for the usual user. He receives a discount of 10%, but the saved immediately is written off as payment for access to discounts. Thanks to this, the "plus" follower gets the opportunity to save the points for traveling and convert these points to a discount when paying for a future taxi order or other services.

It should be understood that cachekk "plus" is not an analogue of banking cachek real money. Yandex does exactly what promises in subscription conditions: it makes it possible for a fee to participate in the marketing offer, that is, a discount to 100%. The "Yandex" points are like a promotion "Buy ten burgers and get the eleventh for free."

Experiences about the negative taxi drivers in the address of the "plus" subscribers are not groundless. Taxi drivers or taksoparks are somehow involved in their ruble in the marketing discount. But to argue that they fully pay your cachek, incorrectly.

Who is unhappy with Yandex, who does not report cachek?

On Friday, December 24, on the website Anton Subbotin published a post on a taxi travel ordered through the Yandex GO service (former Yandex.Taxi). Post scored as of December 28, almost 90,000 views, more than 700 comments, as well as more than 40 shores in Facebook with the comments "bottom, of course", "Yandex" masters the business model of the 90s "and examples of their own trips confirming Conclusions of subbotin.

Summary of publication is. Subbotin decided to talk to the driver and found out that he would receive 1,700 rubles for a trip minus Commission Yandex. Subbotina in the smartphone had another price - about 1930 rubles and 10% cache. Right from the car they called the Support Service "Yandex." The operator explained the difference in the cost of the trip by the fact that the user has "Yandex.Plus". According to him, the difference between the price of the driver and the passenger is the amount that the passenger spends on the purchase of points for Cashbek.

"My own extra 10% is returned in the form of cachek to the Yandex account in the form of points," writes Subbotin. "Of course, I don't know, but it seems to me that this is not quite honest and right." Ends by the post by such a proposal: "There is a reasonable question - and do we need such a cachek?"

Readers , "Driver", Business, Premier, Élite, Cruise with a choice of cashless payment method. "

Well, what did Yandex replied?

Representatives "Yandex GO" in the commentary comments and on Twitter assured that the extended Yandex.Plus does not increase the cost of the trip.

On the itself and other sites - for example, in the Telegram channel "Digital Economics" - published a more detailed comment "Yandex". Its essence is as follows. One and the same trip of two users - with a subscription and without - it will cost the same, but one of them will receive a discount in the form of cachek. The text about an additional 10% in the license agreement and in the check is a technical need.

Translated into a human language, this means that the "plus" subscribers in the cost of the trip already laid a 10% discount, which is equal to the very cost of an extended subscription. In other materials VC.RU and TJ, it is noted that they are waiting for the answer "Yandex" to a question about the deduction of the Cashbuck amount from the driver's earnings.

So real in the "plus" cachek or not?

There is no such thing as cachek, in Russian laws. Therefore, it is possible to call anything - from the return of real money to your account (so everyone wants) to a discount or purchase of points (it most often happens), which are virtual internal currency of the company. Officials with humor are called cachekkom rollback, and this must be recognized, cachek at maxima.

Cacheback system Yandex.Plus is quite difficult to a legally structured loyalty program with elements of a subscription (monthly payment), discounts and advances by the client of its future purchases.

Read the subscription conditions to the Plus, and you will find out that you buy not points, but access to the expanded level of "plus". This is an opportunity for a limited period of time to use additional marketing offers. That is, discounts - as explained Yandex in his comments.

Points are accrued to subscribers of the "plus" formally for free. Of the rules of loyalty adopted by you, you will find out that points cannot be changed for real money. By the way, for their spending you need to have an active subscription, and after three years they burn.

We repeat the same question, but in a different way: the rights of Subbotin, that Yandex will pay 10% for subscribers to the price of a trip compared with the usual user?

He is not right, now I will explain why with reference to four Yandex documents for users. Subbotin has two evidence of his theory: the response of the support operator and the points of the contract "additionally pays 10% of the cost of transportation." Commentators have also found the third "proof" - the presence of a separately allocated payment in the check for a trip similar to those of the same 10%.

Check what I said and what a support operator meant, we, of course, will not.

But about 10% let's figure it out. From the subscription conditions to Yandex. Plus really follows that the fee for the use of an extended level is 10% of the ride price (paragraph 3.7).

Let's see what a check looks like a visit for a user without a subscription and a "plus" subscriber. In the first case, the whole payment is in favor of a taxi driver or the taxi driver himself. In the second is divided into two parts. The payment for transportation, and then 10% (including VAT), which goes to Yandex LLC (Yandex. Taxi, lists it on behalf of the Big Yandex, to which you yourself allowed to do this by issuing an expandable "plus").

Why do you pay the second part? Subbotin believes that for cachek, but legally it is not. Legally - read the conditions of the "plus" - you buy opportunities for an additional fee for a limited period of time to take advantage of additional marketing offers. Namely "expanded privileges." These extended privileges allow you to participate in the loyalty program (and get points - the same cachek), give a discount of 10% of the cost of the order at the tariffs from "comfort" and may accidentally increase the class of the car for the previous price.

Allocation of the Yandex payment in the client check - the technical detail is most likely associated with financial processes inside Yandex. Usually these payments are governed by agreements between legal entities and the user does not see them.

For example, it was the famous Malina bonuses in the past, the partners translated a certain percentage of the check operator "Raspberry" as an advance (read the contract, on your instructions!) Incentive products. All conditions have become known only due to a lawsuit, and the tax authorities have achieved recognition of these payments to marketing trips.

What would have changed for you if "Yandex" received this money from his subsidiary (and you would not know how much it was)?

Since I paid for this cachek, I can demand it to return it to money?

According to the rules of loyalty program, you can not. As already written above, you did not pay for Cashbek himself, and paid access to different privileges, including cachek. In the program you participated voluntarily and for free. The rules of the loyalty program directly tell you about it. The scores on this program are not cash, cannot be cashed or exchanged for money and can only be used to obtain a discount on the terms of the rules.

Since you did not pay anything for participating in the program, the standards for the protection of consumer rights to your relationship with Yandex do not apply. Although the law "On Consumer Protection" allows you to demand an advance payment at any time for unwordified services minus the actor's actually incurred expenditures. Due to this, for example, people who have paid the annual subscription into the fitness club return part of the cost in the early termination of the contract.

Theoretically, if you prove the court that the real essence of the transaction is an advance delivery of services to you in the future, you can try (without a guarantee of success!) Return payments. But this is an outstanding judicial experiment, the cachek size of each individual client is hardly enough even for payment of lawyers. The task itself for a lawyer is also not easy, besides, the decision in favor of the client for such a case will break the existing business practices of loyalty programs.

Why "Yandex" makes me use cachek, let him make a discount on subscription, and if he wants to ray loyalty, can give trips to regular customers.

First, the program with Cashbeck is more profitable for "Yandex" than a simple discount of 10%. After all, in the second case, it is less likely that you again use the services of its taxi.

Secondly, just like this to give trips - it is to risk the creation of tax liabilities on your side (you will need to pay for personal income tax for presented services worth over 4,000 rubles per year). About as with donated airfares.

Okay, the passenger did not overpaid and even got points. But then it turns out that his points pay a taxi driver every time?

Not certainly in that way.

Taxi drivers or taksoparks are somehow participating in the marketing discount - and know about it! You can read about this problem on blog sites, including Yandex.Dzen, and in the media (here and here). In March 2020, he claimed that he got acquainted with the contract between Taksopark and Yandex. Taxi. It is indicated that Yandex does not compensate for the taxi service discount provided within the framework of a joint marketing campaign. We changed these rules or not - we do not know.

At the same time, the taxi drivers can find descriptions that the company can compensate for trips to promotion, but not by the "plus". Hence the negative towards subscribers with a plus and stories about the understatement of them from the drivers.

The problem is in logic. Such: a taxi driver thinks that it may always receive the same client without a "plus" for a larger price. But in fact, more taxi applications pull up any check - at least with a plus, even without. And without a "plus" can not be in this place now.

In addition, the driver's income is formed not only from the amount of all checks - it receives a fee for performing certain conditions - for example, on the line to line. Also, the taxi service can pay extra for unprofitable trips and promoters.

In marketing events for attracting and retaining customers, taxi drivers and taksopark participate in the same way as a manufacturer or distributor of products participates in promoting their goods in a network store or marketer. Do they make this with complete awareness or simply did not understand the contract or put in such conditions - another question. But you need to understand that if a taxi operator gave a discount, not a cachek, then the driver could have to participate in it.

# Yandex # Yandexplus # cachek

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