Tomato Growing by the Dedovo way


    Good afternoon, my reader. Get a rich and high-quality tomato harvest wants every summer house. For this reason, both beginners and experienced gardeners are tirelessly looking for new methods and secrets of growing this vegetable culture that do not require high energy consumption and financial expenses.

    Tomato Growing by the Dedovo way 12799_1
    Cultivation of tomatoes by the grandfather's way of Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    But, as you know, all new is well forgotten old. Therefore, you need to pay attention to one Dedovsky recipe, with which you can grow large and juicy tomatoes even on a small-sized bed.

    Seeds are best acquired in specialized stores, then the seating material is guaranteed to be high-quality. You can also choose a suitable variety.

    If their seeds are used - they need to be treated with special antimicrobial and antifungal composition. You can choose any of these options:

    1. Dissolve the floor of a teaspoon of soda in a hundred milliliters of warm water. Soak planting material in this fluid you need one day.
    2. Dissolve one gram of potassium permanganate per hundred milliliters of water. Hold the seeds in the solution you need about half an hour.
    3. Special preparations can be used, for example "phytosporin". We need to dilute the floor of a teaspoon of the drug in a hundred milliliters of water and give the seeds to stand in a solution of two or three hours.

    This agent can be prepared at home in two ways:

    • Potatoes. Clean the tuber and freeze it, after defrosting to grasp and squeeze the juice from it, in which you need to soak seeds for 12 hours.
    • Aloe. Freeze the leaf of the plant for a week, defrost and squeeze juice from it, dilute with water in a 1: 1 ratio and soak in the seed solution for 5-6 hours.

    The soil from the site may contain spores of mushrooms, various pathogens of diseases, pest larvae, so it should also be prepared in advance. There are several methods:

    1. Each in the oven at a temperature of 80-90 degrees for half an hour.
    2. Disinfection with a saturated solution of manganese.
    3. It is frozen as much as possible.
    Tomato Growing by the Dedovo way 12799_2
    Cultivation of tomatoes by the grandfather's way of Maria Verbilkova

    Seedling. (Photo used by standard license ©

    After processing the soil should stand 15-20 days to recover the natural balance of microflora. Then you need to add a bit of slowing and ash to it so that it is soaked with useful trace elements.

    Cups for seedlings fill the soil. Every two seeds must be planted. Tar put in a warm place with good lighting so that the seedlings grow intensively and develop.

    The soil on the site also needs to be prepared in advance: to switch and make fertilizers. Seedlings are planted on the beds in a chess order at a distance of about half the meter. However, the main secret of the good yield of tomatoes is the right care.

    For active growth and development of tomatoes, it is necessary to prepare a special mixture. It is very nutritious, so it can be used since the seedlings seedlings before the ripening of fruits.

    Instructions for the preparation of watering composition:

    1. Fill the three-liter can with 2.5 liters of estimated water.
    2. Dissolve a hundred gram of yeast in a glass of warm water.
    3. Add one hundred grams of sugar.
    4. The resulting liquid pour into the jar.
    5. Close up with cloth or gauze.
    6. Put in a warm and dark place.
    7. Wait for the completion of fermentation.
    8. Dilute 250 milliliters of the resulting solution in ten liters of water.
    9. You can water tomatoes.
    Tomato Growing by the Dedovo way 12799_3
    Cultivation of tomatoes by the grandfather's way of Maria Verbilkova

    Care for tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    In the summer you need to spend only three procedures:

    • After disembarking seedlings on the bed when it is finally adapted;
    • during flowering;
    • When the first fruits appear.

    After such feeding, tomatoes will not only give a great harvest of large fruits, but also get the highest protection against external influences. Plants will be less susceptible to phytoofluorosis and harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, as well as easily move high temperatures.

    In addition, throughout the growth and development of tomatoes, do not forget about feeding and other useful substances, regular watering and protection against various diseases and pests.

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