Faith by Sotnikov, the famous beautiful Russian actress


Star lesbian relationships seem to be incredible

Faith by Sotnikov, the famous beautiful Russian actress 12795_1
Vera Sotnikova,

So that. In the West, the floor is changed, then the girls are married to girls, guys on guys, etc., and a cute, good Soviet generation does not understand - how is it possible to fall in love with the creature of your gender?

Vera Sotnikova has always enjoyed great success in men. However, a 60-year-old star experienced a light shock when a woman turned to her with a love proposal. With that, the famous lady - as Sotnikova notes, it was a perfectly folded artist, causing views to himself.

I will tell you a tiny story when a girl began to be glued to me. She invited me on a date. Beautiful actress, right very!

- told Vera Mikhailovna on the ether of the program "Stars agreed" on the NTV channel. The name of the colleague is not to disclose.

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Vera Sotnikova, Vladimir Kuzmin,

The incident Sotnikova found funny, but at the same time she became curious that the woman feels:

I asked her the question: "Do you have Bzik? Is it what? " She replied: "Faith, you have ever had when you fall in love with a man, and you come to a man, and you have feelings?" I answered her that, of course, I had it. And she says: "Here I have so to a woman!" You see, it is not to come up with. Either it is so that it is impossible to feel in a different way, or this is a protective reaction and protest!

It should be noted, the actress consisted of relations with famous persons - Vladimir Kuzmin, Renat Daverstyarov, Dmitry Malashenko.

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Vera Sotnikova,

In marriage, she was only once. To her husband, Yuri Nikolsky experienced strong feelings despite the deception on his part - it turned out, he was a janitor, although he introduced her restorer.

Soon the family broke up and the son of Yana Vera raised alone.

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