About beaten in slavery in Kazakhstan before resuscitation of a five-year-old boy told in the UN


About beaten in slavery in Kazakhstan before resuscitation of a five-year-old boy told in the UN

About beaten in slavery in Kazakhstan before resuscitation of a five-year-old boy told in the UN

Almaty. February 16. KazTAG - about beaten in slavery in Kazakhstan before resuscitation of a five-year-old boy told in the United Nations (UN), the agency correspondent reports.

"According to the UN, there are more than 4 million stateless people in the world. They cannot receive social or legal assistance in any country, are faced with difficulties in the field of education and the labor market. Thousands of such people live in Central Asia - after the collapse of the USSR, they were not all able to confirm or obtain the citizenship of newly educated states, "the UN reports said.

It is noted that in recent years, Central Asian countries have managed to achieve significant progress in solving this problem. So, according to the UN Office for Refugees (UNHCR), in the period from 2014 to 2019, 78 thousand people in Central Asia received citizenship. And Kyrgyzstan became the first country in the world that fully committed with the vigorousness.

"Timur (all names, according to the UN, changed in order to protect and security - KazTag) for three years. He was "lucky" - soon he will be able to get Kazakhstan's birth certificate, and so far the non-governmental organization (NGOs) "Sana Sevim" helped to arrange him in a kindergarten. The younger brother of Timur, six-month Sultan, has already received documents. He was also helped by lawyers working in NGOs. They suggested to Mama Sultan: after changing the legislation of Kazakhstan, medical institutions can register the birth of a child even in the absence of documents on migration or documents certifying the identity of the mother, "the report said.

According to the organization, Zuhra crossed the border of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan a few years ago with a small group of representatives of the Nationality of Luli. This is one of the eastern branches of Gypsies living mainly in Central Asia. According to Zuhron, they missed them all over a passport.

"The woman had her eldest son in her arms. In Kazakhstan, she gave birth to her daughter, and soon turned out to be with two children in slavery. The "hostess" made the disinterested woman who did not have any documents to ask alms together with the children, and all the money took himself. Once Kazakhstan shocked the shocking news - a brutally beaten five-year-old boy fell into intensive care. It was the eldest son of Zuhron. Doctors diagnosed: closed brain injury, brain concussion, multiple bodies, knife injuries and exhaustion. After liberation from slavery, the children of Zuhry were in the center of adaptation of the juvenile city of Shymkent. Since then, she has not seen them and knows nothing about their location, "added to the UN.

After a while, the woman met in Shymkent with Mukhtar Muhamedov and began to live with him in a civil marriage. Soon, Timur was born, and then Sultan. The family lives below the poverty line, there is no gas in the house, no water supply.

"She has a family here. We hope that after receiving the official status of a person without citizenship, Zuhra will submit documents to obtain citizenship of Kazakhstan. And after that, we can already help her with registration, "said Raushan Khudaishukurov, a representative of NPO San Squachukurov.

As the UN noted when citizenship receives Zuhra, Timur will be given a birth certificate - the mother and boys will finally appear the rights and privileges that most residents of Kazakhstan have.

To find such people as Zuhra, the authorities of the country helps the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) with the support of the European Union.

"Since December 2017, UNICEF in partnership with the European Union provides assistance to the authorities of Kazakhstan and social services in identifying and documenting individuals without citizenship. We are very pleased that thanks to our current program and assistance to San Satimm NGOs, Zuhra will be able to receive a certificate of stateless persons, "said the ambassador of the European Union in Kazakhstan Sven-Tol Karlsson.

A representative of UNICEF in Kazakhstan Arthur Van Diesen added that "with migration processes, the right of each child should be defended."

"It is important to remember, migrant children are, above all, children. Our European Union with the European Union contributes to the dialogue between the governments of Central Asian countries and independent human rights organizations, "said Van Diesen.

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