Decorative Flowers for Interior


Buy decorative plants is half of the case, you need to quickly put flowers and combine them with the rest of the situation. Artificial vegetation becomes salvation for the interior when it is required to hide flaws or diversify the design monotony.

The main advantage that decorative flowers are endowed is the lack of regular care, including watering, feeding and transplant. To create a calm and peaceful interior, it is enough to harmoniously place an artificial bouquets or stylish vases.

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Sometimes decorative wreaths from plants or flowers in the compositions are used for home interior as an overlap, silent them onto a wall or in special housing sites.

Pros and cons of artificial vegetation in the house

It does not matter what kind of functional room decorative compositions are installed. Plastic or tissue flowers are not subject to diseases, do not require regular irrigation and other manipulations, in contrast to living plants. For the interior, it is enough to buy high-quality copies in pots or vases and competently place them.

Decorative products do not require maintaining humidity and temperature conditions, the only nuance - flowers for the decor do not like constant sunlight, since even the highest quality instances for the interior are prone to burnout.

The ability to create a bouquet or Iquiban with your own hands suits people suffering from smell allergies or pollen. Since most of the materials are non-toxic and does not cause negative reactions.

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The modern industry offers decorative compositions in the form of bouquets of flowers, winter gardens, lian and national interior decorations. These walls, outdoor, window and other options are placed in different rooms, including bathrooms.

Aesthetic appearance and accurate imitation of the appearance of plants relate to the benefits, but decorative flowers have a number of flaws:

• the absence of natural smells that in a vase is recommended to replace with aromatic oils, reduce the popularity of non-life plants for the interior;

• Cheap imitations are isolated at a certain temperature toxins, and decorative products become dangerous to the health of residents;

• Flowers from plastics, fabrics and other materials over time become fragile, faded and lose attractiveness for the interior;

• Large leaves of plants are collecting dust, which is required to regularly delete.

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Depending on the functionality of the room form decorative compositions. In the hallway, where natural lighting is rarely, artificial flowers look organically. The kitchen uses small vases in pots for the interior, which revive the shelf with banks or decorate the dining table with unfavorable bouquets.

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