Fourth Balakov route is able to save only the coming elections?

Fourth Balakov route is able to save only the coming elections? 12546_1

People with their problems go to the editorial office of our newspaper. Some of them are purely personal, but most tallets not so much for themselves as for others. For example, for a whole neighborhood with a population of over 15 thousand people.

In the editorial office, two pensioners Tatyana Aleksandrovna and Tamara Grigorievna. On their faces contrast of indignation and hopelessness. In the hands of a chamber of documents: statements and answers with coat of arms and seals. Both live in the house 108 on Shevchenko on the very outskirts of the fourth microdistrict. The problem of the pensioner of the sleeping area, in which most of the oldest people mostly live, as the microdistrict himself. From its very grounds along the streets Shevchenko and Malaya Vokzalnaya, public transport does not go, and here schools, kindergartens and other social objects are located. Officials that make up the scheme of the bus movement, from time immemorial, bypass the microdistrict, as timid pilots - the Bermuda triangle.

In the past times, we gave all the forces to the construction of the city, "women are crushed," now we don't need anyone on the slope of years and steel. There was a fourth route, we are almost accustomed to him! He looped in the city as hare zigzags - not wonderful that he was recognized unprofitable.

The disappearance of the "Four" is the topic is beaten. Last year, we were dedicated to this route a whole epistolary requiem, due to his sustainable death. It was originally born by the political will of the people's choices, whose names are known to everyone, the route did not hold out at the optimism of the organizers, and its owner (spouse of the famous transport magnate Lavrentyeva) washed his hands, leaving the inhabitants of hiking to Minsk or Komarov. The route was then called unregulated, and therefore with the carrier all the bribes of the smooth.

Women show me 4 sheets of collected signatures from residents of houses 104a, 106, 108. Not lazy - considered: only 145 surnames. All of them begging to tie the fourth microdistrict with "Big Earth". The most active inhabitants even wrote to Governor Radaev, having received the answer from the Deputy Minister of Transport Ivan Kozachenko in November last year. Ivan Alexandrovich recommended "to organize regular transport along the route number 4, as well as to consider the possibility of changing the municipal route 10a," putting it on the microdistrict. But the district administration only spreads his hands: "Four" is not profitable, and Law No. 220-FZ "On the Organization of Regular Transportation" does not allow any changes to the existing routes. The problems of the Bermuda Triangle rested in a closed bureaucratic circle. Is there no way out of it?

The deputy of the city council of Arthur Gizatullin's native deputy for the deprived microdistrict believes that in the issue of transportation of residents of the 4th microdistrict, it is too early to put the point.

"This is a problem not only in residents of 4 microdistrics, but also all citizens, because to get to relatives and close to Shevchenko and the station is now not easy. Unfortunately, economic reasons did not allow the carrier to continue working on the new 4th route. I believe that this route must be subsidized at the municipal level, such as other, obviously unprofitable services support. And we will definitely return to this question, I do not consider it closed, "said Arthur Irekovich" Sutie ".

I really want to divide separating the optimism of the deputy. The elections are not far off in the State Duma (and in a year and to the regional) and the solution of the main problem of the 4th microdistrict will add points to the piggy banks of future candidates. What else to wait from the deputy, except for the creation of pre-election miracles?

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