Injury and body

Injury and body 12508_1

All the injured children of the world had common features ...

Children's poetess, author of a number of books for children in the genre of Non-Fikshn, mother of the boy and each children Masha Rupasova published in his blog excerpt from the book "Body remembers everything" about how children's injuries change the body, brain and fate of people. This little note is a good reason to think about the fact that childhood does not remain in the past. We carry children's problems and injuries throughout their whole life.

One of the books that I read now is called "the body remembers everything," this is a book that psychological trauma physically changes the brain and human body. I was convinced of this on a personal example, but it's always nice to know that you are not ku-ku and did not think about yourself anything.

The book wrote Bessel Van der I, the doctor who studies injury and post-traumatic disorder for thirty years. He worked as part of the National Group on Child Traumatic Stress. As part of this group, 20 thousand American children were treated. Plus, doctors had research data about one hundred thousand children around the world.

Participants in the group wanted to register a new diagnosis describing the symptoms of the disorder resulting from the cruel and dismissive treatment of children. Diagnosis sounded as a trauma disorder (Developmental Trauma Disorder).

Van der Chaple writes that all the injured children of the world had common features:

1) acute impaired emotional regulation;

2) problems with attention and concentration;

3) difficulties in order to get around with themselves and others.

"The mood and feelings of these children lightningly switched from one extreme to another - flashes of rage and panic replaced with removal, apathy and dissociation. When they worried (which happened most of the time), they could neither calm down, nor describe their feelings. "

Injury formed and launched a hormonal response in children, which lasted decades. Van der Chaple writes about adult patients: often therapists, neurologists and psychiatrists are treated what happened to these people many years ago.

And explains how this machine works:

"The presence of a biological system that stubbornly pumps the body with hormones of stress to help him cope with a real or imaginary threat leads to a number of physical problems: sleep disorders, headaches, inexplicable pain in the body, increased sensitivity to touch or sounds. Excessive excitation or disgrace prevents them from focusing their attention and focus. "

"Since they spend all his energy to keep self-control, they are usually difficult to pay attention to the fact that it does not have a direct relationship to survival (for example, school studies), and increased arousal leads to the fact that they constantly distracted. "

On grown injured children:

"Because of the fact that they were often ignored or threw, they cling to other people and demand attention to themselves - even if these are the same people who are brutally treated with them."

"Because of regular manifestations in relation to them, physical or sexual violence or some other species of bad circulation, they inevitably begin to consider themselves infallible and worthless. The hatred of themselves is absolutely sincere. So is it worth surprising that they do not trust anyone? "

"Finally, the feeling of contempt for oneself in combination with excessively stormy reactions to any slightest discontent lead to what it becomes difficult for them to get friends."

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