How to effectively deal with the kidney tick, hitting the currant bushes


    Good afternoon, my reader. One of the most dangerous pests of smorodine bushes is the kidnog tick. Especially the black currant suffers from it. The defeat of the berry culture with this miniature parasite is fraught with its morbidity and a sharp decline in yields. Knowing how to deal with their misfortune, you can save the harvest of berries.

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    How to effectively deal with the kidney tick, hitting the currant bushes Maria Verbilkova

    Getting rid of the pest attacked the black currant bushes is a rather complicated task. Experienced gardeners growing this berry culture pay a lot of time and efforts to conduct preventive measures. Such actions will prevent the appearance of a tick on the site, prevent the growth of the parasite population.

    To reduce the likelihood of infection of berry culture by pests, gardeners resort to such preventive measures:

    • Disembarking between currant bushes of the replist onion, garlic. These vegetable cultures tend to produce phytoncides, scouting the higsis tick from the berry landing. This method of combating pest will not help if the currant bushes have already suffered from the parasite. To improve efficiency, it is desirable to combine with other methods, allowing to resist the tide.
    • Superformation of a berry culture at the beginning of a vegetation period with nutritional compositions, rich nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. The use of fertilizers in the spring will not only help resist the kidney clamp, but also contributes to the activation of the growth of currant bushes, their long and abundant fruiting.
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    How to effectively deal with the kidney tick, hitting the currant bushes Maria Verbilkova

    The pest should be selected in the shoots staying on the early phase of development. Each kidney on a bester of currant can be a refuge for 8,000 miniature parasites.

    The main way to combat pests of this berry culture is plucking the affected parts of the plant. If the bush suffered a lot from the budding tick, it will be necessary to remove not only the kidneys, but also the injured branches. Cut shoots to be combined. Measure is aimed at preventing infection with parasites of other garden crops.

    To resist the currant clamp will help and spray the berry with such a means as a colloid sulfur. Manipulation is carried out at the stage of advent of buds of buds. The solution is obtained by dissolving in water (10 liters) of the powder substance (70 g). Spray bushes in the morning or evening hours. The air temperature indicator during processing should not be higher than +20 ° C.

    Help to resist the budding tide and folk recipes. At the stage of inflorescence, applied garlic infusion. It is obtained from such ingredients:

    • garlic teeth - 150 g;
    • Water - 10 liters.
    How to effectively deal with the kidney tick, hitting the currant bushes 12414_3
    How to effectively deal with the kidney tick, hitting the currant bushes Maria Verbilkova

    Garlic crosses. The resulting cleaner will be necessary to pour water, a little insisted. The finished agent is used to spray a currant bush affected by the pest. The procedure is carried out three times with a periodicity of 1 time in 7 days.

    Thanks to preventive measures and competent use of funds recommended by experimental gardeners, it is possible to effectively withstand this dangerous pest of a berry culture and get a good crop currament on its site.

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