8 Errors when choosing shoes that can cost you health


Not all beautiful useful

Before running to the checkout with an incredibly beautiful pair of shoes, which, in your opinion, will delight your girlfriends, pay attention to the material, the quality of execution and convenience. Beauty does not require victims, and requires a competent thoughtful approach. Therefore, choose that shoes in which you will be most comfortable.

Leave too narrow models for photo shoots

No matter how impudent looks like a sharp shoe, try it not to abuse. Because of the frequent wearing of such models, your fingers will be unnaturally compressed, with the result that muscle imbalance and nerve damage may occur. Prost Corn here, Natoptyshi, pain and other troubles and think if you are really ready to sacrifice our comfort and health for the sake of fashionable pair of shoes or still try not to follow blindly trends, but you will find something optimal.

Shoes without fitting to take dangerous

Even if it seems to you that you have studied your body along and across, so you definitely do not miss, ordering shoes on the Internet, you can wait for an unpleasant surprise. It often happens that the size is not suitable, the block is inconvenient sits down or fit it ... Therefore, so as not to miss the model and size, take yourself as a rule to try footwear before purchasing (for example, before ordering online options, find the same in the nearest store , Check how convenient they are sitting on you, and only then define with the purchase).

Photo: Rafael Cerqueira / Pexels
Photo: Rafael Cerqueira / PEXELS Hopefully shoes with time sit down

Yes, sometimes it happens that the shoes are swearing and with time begins to sit on his leg as the albele. But this is only if you guessed the right size and model. Otherwise, it is stupid to expect that 36 size will be perfect for the 37th or 38th. If you wear shoes not in size, then you risk obtaining the deformation of the foot, curvature of your fingers, corns and other negative consequences.

Ignore the signs that the body sends

Often, the body sends us very eloquent signals, which clearly indicate that something is happening with it is happening. If it is properly (and on time) to express these signs, then you can prevent negative consequences, as well as to keep a bunch of money and nerves (which you will spend a specialist and treatment at consultation). Therefore, if when walking in a certain shoe, you have painful sensations, hopes or corns, then this reason to think about the acquisition of a new pair, in which you will be more comfortable and safer.

Refuse orthopedic stelk

Most orthopedists are confident that special insoles can adjust the position of the foot, reduce the pressure and load on the muscles, while maintaining the beauty and health of the legs. And others believe that orthopedic insoles only increase comfort when walking and no more. Whatever it was, they are indispensable for those who have flatfoot, and everyone else will simply help much longer to enjoy walks and activities in favorite shoes.

Talking Shoes "For Tick"

According to experts, in order to understand how suitable for you, this or that model of shoes is suitable, it is not enough to just stand in it for five minutes. To accurately understand how comfortable you will be comfortable, passing the new shoes there, check if the width and length are perfect for you, whether the stop and fingers are well. If anywhere does not hurt anything, you can safely acquire the new clothes. Otherwise, it is better to pick up something more suitable.

Photo: Crina Doltu / Pexels
Photo: CRINA DOLTU / PEXELS Do not follow the status of beefs, heels and stelk

Erased heels, according to experts, it is necessary to correct immediately as soon as you noticed damage. Otherwise, uneven pressure and imbalances can spoil posture and negatively affect the health of the legs. The knocked knobs should also be fixed, and not to hide shoes to the holes when nothing can be done. It does not only look outnetic, but also can injure your legs when walking, causing irreparable harm to health. No insoles and talk about cleanliness. If you do not want to get some kind of sore, then regularly change the insoles and, if necessary, choose orthopedic, which will help reduce the load on your feet and make the use of shoes more comfortable.

Photo: CottonBro / Pexels

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