Memo to the owner of the hydraulic constructure


On the eve of the spring flood is especially relevant!

Memo to the owner of the hydraulic constructure 12275_1

The owner of the hydraulic structure and (or) the operating organization is obliged:

- ensure compliance with mandatory requirements for construction, overhaul, operation, reconstruction, conservation and liquidation of hydraulic structures, as well as their maintenance, operational control and maintenance;

- ensure control (monitoring) for the indicators of the state of hydraulic structures, natural and man-made impacts and on the basis of the data obtained, to assess the safety of hydraulic structures, including a regular assessment of the safety of hydraulic structures and an analysis of the reasons for its reduction, taking into account the work of the hydraulic structure in the cascade, harmful natural and man-made impacts, the results of economic and other activities, including activities related to the construction and exploitation of objects in water bodies and on the territories adjacent to them below and above the hydraulic constructions;

- to ensure the development and timely refinement of the safety criteria for the hydrotechnical structure, as well as the rules of its operation, the requirements for the content of which are established by the federal executive authorities in accordance with their competence;

- develop systems for monitoring the state of the hydraulic structure;

- to systematically analyze the reasons for reducing the safety of hydraulic structures and in a timely manner to develop and implement measures to ensure the technically good condition of hydraulic structures and its safety, as well as to prevent the accident of the hydraulic structure;

- ensure regular surveys of the hydraulic structure;

- to create financial and material reserves intended to eliminate the accident of the hydrotechnical structure, in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation to create and use the reserves of material resources to eliminate natural and man-made emergencies;

- to organize the operation of hydraulic structures in accordance with the executive and agreed executive authorities, authorized to conduct federal state supervision in the field of safety of hydraulic structures, the rules of operation of the hydraulic structure and ensure the qualifications of employees of the operating organization relevant and rules;

- maintain in constant readiness local alerts for emergency situations on hydraulic structures;

- promote federal executive bodies authorized to conduct federal state supervision in the field of safety of hydraulic structures in the implementation of their functions;

- together with local governments, inform the population of the safety of hydraulic structures;

- to finance measures for the operation of hydraulic structures, ensuring its security, as well as work on the prevention and elimination of the effects of accidents of the hydrotechnical structure;

- to conclude a contract of compulsory civil liability insurance in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a dangerous object for causing harm as a result of an accident on a dangerous facility;

- carry out overhaul, reconstruction, conservation and liquidation of hydraulic structures in the event of its inconsistency with mandatory requirements.

The owner of the hydraulic structure and (or) the operating organization is responsible for the safety of the hydraulic structure (including reimburses the damage caused by the accident of the hydrotechnical structure) until the transfer of property rights to another physical or legal entity or until the fulfillment of the liquidation of hydraulic structures .

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